Monday, 12.22.14

Just a reminder that Monday and Tuesday will be normal class hours; here are the changes through January 1st…

12/24-5:15am, 8:30am, Noon
12/25-Closed Merry Christmas!
12/26-6:30am, 9am, Noon, 4:30
12/27-No Barbell
12/30-No Barbell
12/31-5:15am, 8:30am, Noon, 4:30

Last week of the squat cycle…1st day is 2×2@100%, 2nd day 6×2@80% and we will Max out on the third day. If you are in town/off work Friday, there are plenty of classes to get a PR!

I have decided to go back to the full week of whiteboard…if you have a PR for a lift/named WOD/run etc…, please write “PR” next to it and circle, this will be easier for us to transfer to the leaderboard. Also write on the monthly PR board; I suspect we will have a LOT of back squat PR’s on Friday! 🙂

Stay tuned towards the end of the week on what’s coming up in January!

Have a great week! See ya at
The box!

Front Squat: 8×2 @75-80% w/2s hold at bottom

3min AMRAP
7 Power Snatch (95/65)
14 Supermans (2sec hold)
Rest 1 min
3min AMRAP
12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
24 Push-ups (HR)
Rest 1 min
3min AMRAP
Calorie Row
*Rounds + Reps + Calories is score

Bonus Work: 3x30sec plank hold, 3×20 weighted situps, 3×15 ring rows

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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