Monday, 8.25.14

doubleunder boy

In case you missed this news from this weekend…

Saturday was the last official day of using the WODTogether system; We will be going back to WOD books, planners, etc…beginning on Sunday. There will be a spreadsheet available to log top loads and benchmarks WOD’s. We are also in the process of making a new Top 5 board and a CFU Member board for top weights/times. Be looking for that in the near future. (Thanks, Andi 🙂 )

WODTogether will still be available to you for use in order to get your information; you will just have to get on a PC and search for the information. It is also my understanding (and AndreaC tell me if I misunderstood) that if you input the workouts into WT, you can keep track that way; but you would have to create the workout in the system yourself. There are also several apps that various members have used to log their workouts; just search in the app store on your phone.

ACH forms (new/old form of payment) are DUE BY TUESDAY! I still have about 35 people who need to fill out a form and attach a voided check. If your information has NOT changed from your account (pre-WODTogether), please let me know, you should be good to go; if you have become a member AFTER July of 2013, you will need to turn in a form.

CFU WODFest is on October 18th! Grab a partner, get out of your comfort zone and compete! 🙂 This week we will be putting up a list for volunteers for that day. We are hoping that ALL of the members can be some part of this 1st ever competition at CFU! 🙂

Facebook page-As some of you noticed, this past week I created a new CFU page, this is a PRIVATE page for active CFU members. If you did not receive a notification of being added, sorry–let me know and I will get you added. If you are on Facebook and not my friend 🙁 , send a request and I can get you added. This page is where we can post happenings in/out of the box, results on workouts, etc…

Reese and Cindy Thompson have invited the CFU members and their families to their house for a pool party on Saturday, Sept. 13th. Time of the party and other details will be posted when available. Hope you all can make it!

Saturday, Sept. 20th is the Battling for Bradley 5K at Blair Oaks; if you are wanting me to register you, please get your form/money to me by Wednesday!

The HEAT continues…please be smart… hydrate, fuel properly and scale if needed during this little heat wave! (Hopefully it will be gone SOON!)

Workouts along with announcements will now be posted on the Blog the previous evening.

Monday’s WOD

Strength: Strict Press 5×5 Build to a 5RM

Row 500 m for time

Rest 1 min

Then Complete

4 rds for time of:

400m run

60 Double Unders or 1 min of singles


8 rounds

200m – 30 DU’s or 30 seconds of singles

See you at the box!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!




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