Check out the Events page as I added A LOT to the calendar! It’s my hope that we can get as many members at these activities/get togethers to help grow our community. Be watching for announcements at the box and on the site for what’s happening!
*A black, fleece jacket was left at the pool party Saturday. Let me know if you are missing it!
Back Squat 3×10 (AHAP)
Complete the following for time:
400 m Run
3 rounds of:
15 Overhead Squats (105/70)
15 Ring-Dips (sub is box dips or bands)
400 m Run
**I will be adding “bonus work/supplementary work” in the event there is extra time after the workout or something that you can do at home. You can do all, some or none…it’s up to you and what your goals are!
Hopefully this little “extra” will turn into EXTRAordinary results!
Bonus Work: (voluntary)
4 x 15 V-ups
1 Min Superman Hold
2 Min Plank
2 – 30 second Handstand Holds
Row for Calories
Have a great start to your week!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!