
What’s Happening at CFU…
(You should have received an email on this; I figured out how to do it!) 🙂

Hey All,

Just wanted to touch base on the happenings that are happening or will happen in the next few weeks…
Today after the WOD, there will be a CF Games Watch Party starting about 5pm at Fred and Sarah’s…directions are on today’s blog…

This week on MW from 5:15-5:45pm we will be running FREE Fit4U classes for those wanting a class with no barbell/weights-so if you know of someone who would like a “CrossFit Lite” class, send them my way! Information for the regular classes can be found on the website.

Also on MW this week from 5:45-6:15pm we will have FREE JrKidsFit (grades 6-8) classes to spark interest with our young athletes! Let your kids get started in the sport of fitness. Information for the regular classes can be found on the website.

On Tuesday and Thursday of this week from 8:30-9am I will have FREE CrossFit Kids classes! This is a chance for the younger athletes to get a taste of CrossFit and experiencing the fun of fitness! Information for the regular classes can be found on the website.

The Doubleunder/Ab Challenge ends Thursday!! All teams turning in their forms/documentation showing they have completed ALL 5,000 reps will receive a little prize 🙂 (Please be honest about this challenge…)

SATURDAY, August 2nd from 8-10am there will be an Olympic Lifting/Technique Clinic. Andi, Chris Wilson, and Britt will be available to help with your form. Sign up on the sheet next to my office so we know how many to expect…this is a “Don’t Miss” clinic!!

Saturday, Aug. 2nd the WOD will be at 10am!!

CFU Barbell will resume in August…Tuesdays @ 6:30pm, Saturdays @ 8am, and every 2nd/4th Sunday @ 2pm. Make plans to attend if you want to get better at your technique…This is NOT just for those who can put up the big numbers; it’s for EVERYONE so we would love to have you!

Tuesday, 8/5 and Thursday, 8/7 we will have our CF101 classes so if you know of anyone wanting to start CF, have them contact me.

Did you all read about the referral program at CFU in one of the blogs?? If not, here you go…If you refer a person to CFU and they sign up for a CF101 class, you will get $10 off your next month’s membership…if he or she signs up for the following month, you BOTH will get $10 off the next month…soooo, you could save $20 just by getting someone hooked up with something you LOVE! So start referring! 🙂

We welcome to the CFU Training Staff, Seth Wigle; Seth will be taking a few afternoon/evening classes. Welcome to the training crew Seth!

FitAid Sales…Just a reminder that if you purchase a FitAid, you need to mark as paid on the sheet above the fridge; If you purchase a punchcard, you will also need to mark that you have taken one from the fridge. Punchcards are available for $22/10 or a case (24) for $48. FitAid has been a huge benefit for me and my recovery (and I’m not just saying this….).

CHOMPS beef sticks-another great find as they are grass fed beef sticks with NO preservatives and they taste great! $2 per stick or 3/$5 (or you can purchase a box of 24 for $40) Available in regular and jalapeño flavors.

New shirts are being designed for the late summer/fall!! There will be color options available as well! If there is other CFU gear you think would go over well at the box, please let me know!

CFU decals…do you have one on your vehicle yet? They are FREE and I would appreciate the mobile advertising! One of my Facebook friends said she saw a CFU sticker on a Traverse last week at the Lake! Pretty cool! Help get the word out about CF Unstoppable!

Equipment Cleanup…Just a friendly reminder that AFTER a workout you are to wipe down your stuff and your area…Germs are germs and I prefer to WOD in a cleaner environment! 😉 So do your part and wipe up chalk and sweat with the provided spray bottles. Thanks in advance!

Website-The blog is where I mostly post my announcements…NOT WODTogether; some of you have got in the habit of just checking the workout and nothing else…Did you know that the website pulls the WOD from WT and it’s there at the bottom of the announcements?? Well it is and I would like to be able to know that ALL of the members are getting the right information concerning class changes, events, etc… So please check the blog on a regular basis!!

TEAM COMPETITION Brainstorming session…I NEED HELP!! I would like to hold a team comp in Oct or Nov but I can’t do it alone! I would like to meet

Saturday, Aug. 2nd after the WOD (10am) to figure out what we can/need to do…Let’s say 11:30am at Panera! Anyone can help so please if you can, attend the meeting to see what needs to be done-if you can’t make it to the first meeting, there will be others; just let me know if you’d like to help! Thanks!

I think that is about it…Thanks for reading! Make it an UNSTOPPABLE Week!!

“Belinda” 🙂

Saturday, August 9th-Kicks in the Sticks Run at Binder; several members have indicated that they are planning on running this. Go to to register and for more info!



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