I was recently working with a personal training client and we had just went over some stats on the progress made over the past two weeks. Yes, weight was lost, BUT when we got down to it, more progress could have been made had the “extra mile” would have taken place.
At the beginning of our PT sessions, I had discussed that “extra homework” would need to be done on the days not at the gym…that’s when the Excuse started rolling in…I’m too busy; I forget; I don’t have the energy…etc…
30 minutes is 2% of your day – TWO!! You mean to tell me that you can’t take 30 minutes for yourself a day to take care of your health whether it be physical or mental?? Hogwash as my grandma would say! You can even break up that 30 minutes into 3-10min sessions of a walk.
What would happen if you exercised ON PURPOSE starting today and just walked for 30min per day for the rest of the month?? One, you could destress a bit, two, you may lose a little bit of weight, and three you’d be taking time for YOU.
I’m challenging you to start the 30 minutes per day challenge and see how you feel at the end of the month…it will become a habit and you will even look forward to doing it! There’s no excuse to not to so GO FOR IT! Have a happy Friday Eve!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!