Out of the Fog…

I was looking out the window this morning and the fog kind of mesmerized me…do you ever just stare off into space with no thoughts at all? That was me this morning and then *Beep*, my coffee was finished in the microwave (I like it fresh, but sometimes you just go with the flow!).

Looking into the fog made me realize that sometimes I’m IN that fog where things aren’t so clear and everything is hustle bustle, go here and there or do this and that. It’s time to come up for air! I sometimes randomly text people out of the blue to see how they are doing and usually the first sentence is, “Great, but crazy busy!” Are you that way?

Is your schedule so crazy that you can’t take 30 minutes just for YOU? If not, it’s time to prioritize…when you fill up your “cup” then you will have more to give back and you will most likely come out of that fog!

Pause, find your breath and recharge! You are worth it! Now, back to my coffee and ME 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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