Reasons Why…

Just a little tidbit for you all on why affiliate owners close their facility during bad weather…
*I found out that last night one of our members, Steve hit a patch of black ice. His vehicle is out of commission but he, thank God is ok.
*I follow another box and they had closed after hearing reports of bad weather through the night…why did they close so early? Because the previous year they didn’t proceed with caution and lost a member. I would not like to have to deal with that guilt.
*I care about every single member’s safety and one workout is NOT worth risking a life.
~You may say “well I have 4wd”…I don’t care…if the box is closed bc of weather, it’s closed for a reason. Do not risk it when you could easily kick your butt at home. I know it’s not the same, but what if…

To make up for the couple of lost WOD’s I’m going to have an open gym on Saturday from 10-1 for you to come in and work on things or do that wonderful Thruster WOD from Tuesday morning.

Remember, safety first and don’t risk it!

Keep watching the site for updates in the event we open for a class or two this afternoon.



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