The 7:30am Crazy WOD (for members with 3+ month experience) will be a GO as long as you can make it to the box SAFELY!
The same for the 9am WOD and Barbell at 10am….IF any classes are canceled, I will send out a message through the new Remind message system…Not signed up yet?? It’s simple: just text: @cfucoach to the number 81010 and you will be hooked up with the PRIVATE messaging service. It’s more convenient in my opinion so PLEASE sign up!
4pm-warmup/stretch out on own…4:15 – First heat of individual WOD; 4:40ish – 2nd heat of individual WOD; 5:05ish – Kids WOD; 5:20: Partner WOD (WOD’s will be posted at the box) 😉
6:15ish- EAT, DRINK and BE MERRY 🙂 Please bring a dish to share; Pulled Pork and Lutz’s Chips will be provided along with water and tea. BYOB for adult beverages.
Who’s ready to celebrate 3 years of CFU?? 🙂 Hope y’all can make it!
Saturday WOD
20min AMRAP with a partner
*200m Run/Row –alternate each round
Partner completes as many rounds/reps of following:
5 Deadlifts 185/135
10 Wallballs 20/14
15 Russian Twists 53/35
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!