Hey All,
What a Fasssssttttt week! It was in my world anyways! Lots of great things happening at CFU!! Saturday will be another CF101 class so you may see some new faces next week. Make sure you introduce yourself!
Saturday after the regular WOD there is an open gym (unlimited members) scheduled from 10-11am as long as you stay out of the CF101 class’ way ๐
The Birthday Bash registration forms are on the glass case…These need to be turned in by WEDNESDAY in order to get the shirts in time. The proceeds from this is going to the local Veterans Honor Flight. So make sure you get your form in!! If you can’t be there but would still like to donate or get a shirt, shirts will be $15. Fill out a form and note “shirt only”.
Speaking of Veterans…We will be having a Hero WOD on Sunday in honor of Veterans Day. Meet at the box by 2:50 to hear the “PLAN” ๐
As the end of the year approaches, I’d like you to think about where you were a year ago…are you better today than you were then? How have you changed? Have you changed for the better? Do you like the way you feel? The way your clothes fit? What makes YOU better and what will make you BETTER THAN YESTERDAY?? I WANT that for YOU!! So let’s GET BUSY!!
For Saturday’s WOD, I’ve added 15 minutes of Suck Bucket time…I know that seems like a lot, but think about what you need to work on.
OH! Parents of KIDS!! There will be another Parents Night Out NEXT Friday evening from 6:30-10; check out the flyer at the box for more details! ๐
P.S. I’m MISSING a LOT of regular faces…either you have fallen into the “holiday trap” or you have given up…DON’T!! GET. TO. THE. BOX!! ๐
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!