Saturday, 12.21.13

Oh my goodness! What. A. Week!!! BUT… it’s not over yet! One more to finish out our challenging week! Way to push through guys and gals! I actually made it 6 days straight! Modified mostly but it was great to get back in the swing of things and WOD with everyone!

Christmas party Saturday night is still a GO unless it’s way too bad to get out and about. I will post if we need to cancel ๐Ÿ™

Thanks to “Santa” for my “That’s how I roll” shirt…gave me an idea for programming next week!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Speaking of next week…
Sunday 3pm
Monday -Regular hours
Christmas Eve- 5:15am & 9am(“special” coffee after 9am WOD!)
Christmas – Closed
Thursday-9am & 5:15pm
Friday-Regular hours

For the newbies who started at CFU in November/December, I will be sending out a link for the WODTogether shop so you can “purchase” your membership. It is electronically collected on the first of the month via an Amazon account so if you do not have an account, you will need to get one. If this is a problem, please give me a holler!

Everyone please be careful this weekend!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!! ๐Ÿ™‚





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