Saturday, 9.6.13

Almost 50 at the box today for the “Wallball Fun” including our newbies, StephanieRo, Steph, Stacy, and Gina! Way to go everyone!!

Saturday there will be a “special Crazy WOD” starting at 7:45am SHARP…it’s for anyone who wants to participate 😉

9am will be the regular WOD
A little Cards action…Just show up, you’ll have FUN!

Open Gym/Barbell work at 10am

Remember that the Pool Party is next Saturday the 13th from Noon-5.
More info at the box on the wall by the office.

Shirt orders were due today, however I will be at the box on Saturday and if you still desire to order a shirt, the form is still up 🙂

See you Saturday…

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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