Saturday, 9.7.13

pool party

Quick reminder that there will be a CFU Swim Party at Reese’s house next Sunday (15th) from 12:30-?? There will not be a regular WOD that day so we hope LOTS of people SIGN UP and come have one last dip in the pool. The weather is supposed to be Great! 🙂


20 min AMRAP with Partner

Buy in 400m (scale is Blvd run)

Barbell carry with partner (95/65) – 5 Thrusters each

Barbell carry with partner – 5 Power Cleans each

Barbell carry with partner – 5 Barbell Burpees each

Barbell carry with partner – 5 Push Presses each

*This WOD will be conducted outside so be prepared for the SUN! 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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