Saturday “CrAzY FuN” WOD 7:30am

Posting today so you can decide if you want to do Friday AND this WOD back to back…
This WOD came from the “CFU Hopper”, WOD’s designed by the trainers (they’re crazy too 😉 ).
This weeks awesomeness is:

Start at 0:00
Thrusters 95/65
KB 70/53
12 Rounds
12 med ball cleans 20/14
12 Pushups
Front Squat 225/145
Bar Muscle-Up

**please keep in mind that one, this is NOT a trainer led class as the trainers will be partaking in this and two, movements/weights ARE scaleable to your needs so ANY CFU member is welcome to join in on the “Fun”!

Who’s joining?!? 😉



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