CrAzY WOD @ 7:30am…experienced CrossFitters only please…Regular WOD @ 9am!
FYI, I will be adding an “Ab Challenge” Workout to SugarWOD so you can work on that 6pack! Most exercises will be able to be done at home…feel free to sub other movements if equipment is not available.
10min Suck Bucket Work…
20 Min EMOM:
1st min: 18 Burpees
2nd min: 3 MU
3rd min: 8 Front Squats (155/105)
4th min: 3 MU
*Scales: 16/12 min
Fitness WOD
20min AMRAP
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Squats
10 Push-ups
Blvd Run/400m Row (alternate)
CRAZY WOD (7:30am for experienced CFers)
Strict pull-ups
Strict HSPU
Squat Cleans 135/95
Rest 3min
2 Rds
40m Overhead Lunges 115/75
50 GHD Situps (straight leg)
Rest 3min
4 Rds
400m Run/Row
20 WB 20/14
10 KB 70/53
We are back to our normal schedule so I hope to see some faces I haven’t seen in awhile!! Have a great weekend!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!