“Seriously. Stop!”


stop making excuses

Good article I ran across this morning…

Stop putting yourself down.

“Seriously. Stop.

Stop telling me how your WOD wasn’t impressive because your pullups were banded, or your run was slow, or your pushups were on your knees.

Stop feeling embarrassed that you have the least amount of weight on the bar, or finished last.

Stop thinking your WOD was unimpressive because you scaled.

Stop degrading yourself for not getting a PR, or a new skill, or the next modification up.

Stop all of it because YOU. ARE. AWESOME.

Stop it because no one else sees what you are doing as unimpressive, because no one else is judging you for your choices.

We are celebrating in your successes – even if you can’t see them yet.

You are in there.

You are fighting – fighting through the pain, through the misery, through the reps.

You are finishing – even if in last place, even if you use a band, or your knees, or a light”r weight, or reduced reps – you are finishing.

You are progressing – even if it is imperceptible at the moment, you are progressing. You are getting to your goals and finding your strength.

So stop judging yourself so harshly. Stop throwing yourself in the dumps because of a bad WOD. Stop holding your head low because of your scale.

I don’t even know you, and yet I know that you are awesome. I know that you are trying, and hurting, and pushing. I know that you are improving and progressing. I know that every day you are fighting a battle, and on the whole, I know that you are winning.

Can you even begin to imagine what the athletes next to you know? Can you even comprehend how much you will grow when you start believing in yourself?”

Conceive, Believe, ACHIEVE!!!


When you step into CFU, remember that YOU are doing MORE than those who CHOOSE to sit on the couch!!

What are YOU going to do this week to BETTER yourself?? SHOW ME!!



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