Our last strength cycle with the back squat showed HUGE improvement…our next one, which begins on Tuesday, Jan. 13th will be the Clean & Jerk. Below are the lifts and some accessory work options for each week…This cycle can be done on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Saturday and Sundays being the make-up days. If it works out with the other strength days, you may also make up on a MWF (though we would like for you to stick with the T/Th schedule as these are usually our Snatch/Clean days for the strength.
This cycle will last through February 26th…If you would like to participate, please put your 1RM along with your name on the “bacon board” and get ready to get STRONGER in the next 7 weeks! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of the trainers.
For the accessory work, this is totally optional, you can do one, none, or both…we will be providing explanations/videos for these. Click on the following link to get the cycle or copy and paste what’s following into a word doc/spreadsheet. Maybe someone could make up a handy dandy chart like last time 😉
o Power clean + power jerk: 5×1 @ 75%
o Clean & Jerk: 5×2 (70-80%)
–Bent Over Row: 5×5
–Band pull apart: 3×10
o Hang clean (below knee): 5×2 @ 75%
o Clean & Jerk: 3×1 @ 60%, 2×1 @ 70%, 2×1 @ 80%, 3×1 @ 85%
–Clean Pull 4×4 @ 100-105%
–Band pull apart: 3×10
o Power clean + power jerk: 3×1 @ 75%, 2×1 @ 80%
o Clean & Jerk: 5×2 (75-85%) *aim to beat weights used last time*
–Straight Leg Romanian Deadlift 4×4
–Band pull apart: 3×10
o Hang clean (below knee): 3×2 @ 75%, 2×2 @ 80%
o Clean & Jerk: 3×1 @ 60%, 2×1 @ 70%, 2×1 @ 75%, 2×1 @ 80%, 1×1 @ 85%, 1×1 @ 90%
–Push Press: 5×3 @ 80%
–Band pull apart: 3×10
o Power clean + jerk: 1×1 @ 75%, 1×1 @ 80%, 1×3 @ 80%
o Clean & Jerk: 5×1 (80-90%)
–Straight Leg Romanian Deadlift 6×3
–Band pull apart: 3×10
o Hang clean (below knee): 1×2 @ 75%, 1×2 @ 80%, 3×1 @ 85%
o Clean & Jerk: 1×3 @ 60%, 1×2 @70%, 1×2 @ 75%, 1×1 @ 80%, 1×1 @ 85%, 1×1 @ 90%, 1×1 @ 95%, 1×2 @ 85%
–Clean Pull 4×2 @ 105-100%
–Band pull apart: 3×10
o Power clean + Jerk: 8×1 @ 60%
o Clean & Jerk: MAX
–Push Jerk 3×4 @ 50%
–Band pull apart: 3×10