If you are participating in the Nutrition Challenge, you will be performing a Baseline WOD of:
500m Row
40 Squats
30 Situps
20 Push-ups
10 Burpees
This MUST be completed on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday! The WOD will be written on the “Friday Board” with your names so please record your time after completing…you will only do this once pre-challenge. There’s still time to get in on the challenge…measurements today at 4pm or tomorrow! Challenge info is a couple posts down; let me know by TODAY if you would like to participate in this!
Clean & Jerk Cycle starts on TUESDAY! If you are participating, please put your 1RM on the “bacon board” so the coaches can see who is going to participate. There will be a breakdown of the weekly lifts up by the big whiteboard. The coaches will also go over the accessory work which is optional….
CROSSFIT GAMES OPEN REGISTRATION is THIS WEEK!! Who is going to sign up this year?? This year they will have a scaled division as well…Stay tuned for more details! First night for this will be Friday, February 27th at 6:30pm!
15min Skill/Suck Bucket Work
5 Rounds
5 pullups
10 KB (53/35)
200m Run
Have a great Sunday! Be safe on the roads!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!