Already the end of January…did any of you set some resolutions or goals?!? How are those coming along? Don’t give up if something hasn’t gone your way…pick up the pieces and carry on! You’re worth it!!
A couple of things…Athletes Night Out is coming up on February 13th! There’s still time to sign up-see previous blog post for more info!
Sign up for this year’s Friday Night Lights at CFU! Our first night will be Friday, February 26th beginning at 6:30pm(there will be NO 5:15pm classes the evenings of FNL…you can come to participate or just come and cheer! It is a lot of fun so everyone is encouraged to come!! 🙂
Here’s to a great start of the week!
Class at 3:00 this afternoon!!
3 rounds for time:
20 ball slams 30/20
15 strict press
10 Russian twists
–Rest 3min–
3 rounds, 2min per round
1×10 seated, supinated, bicep curls
*total 3×10 curls
* try to increase weight each set
* if it takes 40s to do 10 curls, you have 1:20 rest time
18min AMRAP
15 Straight Leg Situps
10 Russian KB (53/35)
5 Burpees
Praxair Sign Run