Sunday, 04.13.14

Didn’t have time to upload the WOD on WODTogether but here is what we will be doing on Sunday…
(If the ball touches the ground during the wallballs, you start the AMRAP OVER!)


Congrats to Amanda for taking 1st, Mike 2nd, and Shawn 4th in the scaled divisions and Chris for taking 2nd in the Rx division! They WODed hard! Great job all!!
Many thanks to all of the CFU family who came out in their “sea of red” to support these four!
Haven’t got your Red CFU signature shirt yet?? See me, I have some!
Will also be putting up a form for summer t’s and tanks this upcoming week!! 🙂

Blessings for the rest of your weekend!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!


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