Great job to all of those who showed for the “Bradshaw Hero WOD” Saturday morning! Keep in mind that we have two left this Memorial Day weekend concluding with Murph on Monday at 9am (only class that day); last year we had about 24 of us complete this WOD to honor the fallen soldiers…how about we top that number this year?? This WOD, as all of our workouts are scalable so if possible come and join in to show our respects to our fallen soldiers!
This upcoming week is BRING A FRIEND week….if you have someone who is on the fence about CrossFit have them come to one or a couple workouts and let them taste a bit of what CFU is about…
Saturday, May 31st after the 9am WOD, we are going to have a “Late Spring Cleaning Event” at CFU…I was wondering if I could get some of you to help me out…I plan on rearranging some things, deep clean some areas, mop the vball court, oil up the barbells, and maybe a few other things…if you have a shop vac, that may come in handy. Let me know if you can help! Thanks in advance!
Friday night, June 6th will be our First “WOD Then Wine” night…this is a Ladies Only event…7pm-??? We will do some kind of WOD, workout, movement…then have a few drinks (bring your fav!)…Guys, you have not been forgotten…Yours will be a “Barbell Then Beer” night, possibly June 20th. Keep watching for details.
I still have quite a few people who need to pick up/pay for their shirts/tanks…Money due THIS WEEK!!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!