“It’s impossible” said pride. “It’s risky” said experience. “It’s pointless” said reason. “Give it a try” whispered the heart – Anonymous
What if you had never contemplated trying out CrossFit? What if you hadn’t taken that first step through the doors of CFU? Where would you be today?
I’ve had some extra time this week with the kids camp being over and I’ve caught my mind wandering to a lot of “what if’s”…what if I hadn’t seen a post from my friend about how she was going to try out this thing called CrossFit back in 2010…what if I hadn’t made the call to CF United to set up my one on one sessions to start my CF journey…what if I wouldn’t have had the courage to go ahead with my Level 1 in 2011…what if I hadn’t started up my BCB’s for all those moms out there…what if I hadn’t taken the leap of faith and not applied for CF affiliation…the what if’s leave me with the facts that had I not taken that first step and not believed in myself, I probably never would have the joy of knowing ALL of you! I know this sounds a little deep for me, but I think, what I would do without the community? CrossFit Unstoppable to me isn’t just about working out; I think a lot of you have the same feeling…It’s about the friendships, the motivation, the accountability, and the community that has developed since November 2011—yes, CFU will be three years old in November! Which of course means a 3rd Birthday Bash! Thank you all for being a part of this place—you mean the world to me! 🙂
Now to some announcements…
*Sign up for the “Battling for Bradley” 5K if you are wanting to participate as Team CFU on Saturday, Sept. 20th at 8am @ Blair Oaks; just fill out the form and leave a check to Battling for Bradley and I will take care of registration…right now there are 8 people interested. Bradley has been diagnosed with a rare form of children’s cancer and if WE CAN help, then let’s do it!
*Friday, August 22nd 6:30-9ish…VOLLEYBALL FRIDAY NIGHT…are you new to CFU?? Then this would be a great time to meet some of your fellow athletes! BYOB and a chair if you wish—Kids welcome! Let’s see who can serve up a wicked serve and spike! 🙂
*Saturday, August 23rd-9am-BRING A FRIEND to CFU to try it out…show them why you’ve drank the CF Kool-Aid! 🙂
*Remember that CFU Barbell is taking place on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm and Saturday mornings at 10am! We also have some new additions…Lifting platforms! Thanks to Fred, CWhite and Britt for building them! Next on the agenda are some jerk blocks! 😉 Don’t go too crazy now lifters! 🙂
*In the next couple of weeks the CFU WODFest committee will be asking for you to sign up as a volunteer for our competition on Saturday, Oct. 18th…Registration goes live on Monday (18th) and depending on how many teams we have will be the determining factor of what amount of help we will need. The more the merrier! Even if it’s only for a block of two hours, your help would be GREATLY appreciated! More details will be on the website CFU WODFest I hope to see LOTS of CFU members signed up for the Competition as well. A percentage of the proceeds will be going to the Samaritan Center (we have worked with the Center a lot in the past with our food drives–In October, we will have a member food drive as well to correlate with the competition). If anyone would like to sponsor the competition or knows of a business that would want to sponsor/be a vendor, please let someone on the committee know. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP!
I’m sure there is something else I need to throw in there, but that’s all I’ve got for now. Hope your weekend has gone well and I’ll see you soon at the Box!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!