Sunday, 09.13.15

Not very many at the box Saturday morning…I’m thinking many of you took advantage of the gorgeous weather and went for a run, bike ride or swim! Just like Stacy and Charlie who competed AND FINISHED their first Sprint Triathlon on Saturday! Great job you two! These two are an example of stepping out of their comfort zones and then doing the work to succeed in the process! So what is YOUR next goal and what are you going to do about it?!? ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s a pretty BIG announcement that could affect your WODing experience…CFU will now be offering an Xpress WOD on MWF! Warmup and WOD and you’ve got your high intensity in for the day! We will still have our normal T/Th hour long classes. The MWF XPress WOD’s, dependent on the nature of the workout may need to be shortened/modified somewhat in order to be finished by 12:30pm. Just trying to make the “Tribe” happy ๐Ÿ™‚

WODFest meeting Sunday at 4:30pm at McAlister’s. We have lots to cover and I need for volunteers to help with the overall process (which means I will be delegating!) ๐Ÿ™‚ Please come if you can! 

Hope to see more of you at the Sunday afternoon WOD! 
Buy in: 25 Burpees 


400m Run 

25 Wallballs (20/14) 

25 KB (53/35) 

25 K2E 

25 G2O (45/25 bumper plate) 

400m Run 


Cashout: 25 Burpees (included in time) 

Scales: 20/15 reps with Praxair runs 

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.