Sunday, 1.04.15


Goal Setting/Nutrition Challenge Meeting SUNDAY @ 1pm! — If you are interested in making BIG changes in how you approach your fitness/nutrition, come to this 🙂

Continue to #CheckInGiveBack before/after your workout…if you have questions about why we are doing this, see the blog a couple posts back.

Clean & Jerk Cycle begins next week! This week we will be doing max lifts so if you can get to the box on MTThF, that would be GREAT! Especially Thursday as that will be our max on C&J!

If you haven’t started the plank challenge, get on it! There are calendars on the glass case at the box so you can keep up. Some of the planks have been built into the bonus work this week. Not doing the bonus work?? Why not?? FOCUS on your GOALS!

What are your Goals this year? How are you going to get there? I know some of you have set a goal of 200 WOD’s for 2015…Let’s make it happen!

Partner WOD

5min AMCAP *12 calorie row *Partner holds Barbell in Front Rack (155/105)**must stop rowing if partner drops Barbell(score is calories)

REST 1 min

5min AMRAP *9 Burpees *Partner holds Barbell Overhead (135/95) **must stop burpees if barbell is dropped(score is burpees)

REST 1 min

5min AMRAP *6 Thrusters (95/65) *Partner dead hang from pullup bar **must stop thrusters if partner comes off rig (score is thrusters)

Come join the fun!!

Happy SONday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.