Veterans Day Hero WOD
*Meet at the box by 2:50 so we can go over movements and warmup. We will then pack up vehicles and head to the Capitol for our “Flash WOD” honoring ALL of the Veterans who have served and do serve for our country.
The WOD will have scales and you can modify so if you can come, then do so because we GET TO!
Even if you don’t want to WOD, you can offer support and encourage just by being present!
Wear your CFU shirts; if you don’t have one, guess what…I have some; regular tshirts are $10, dry fit are $15.
Also we have Hoodies $30/$25…have you seen the forecast for Tues/Wed??? Brrrrrrrr!
Hope to see a lot of you there on Sunday! If not, I’ve got a GREAT WOD in store for Monday…which by the way we will have regular class times.
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!