Had a BLAST on Friday night with the WOD Now, Wine Later Gals!! Thanks for coming! NOW —>>>>>>>
Saturday, June 14th 5:30pm-??
This is a fundraiser for the CFU Football Team to help raise the funds for participating in the War of the Roses Flag Football game (which we WON! and brought home the trophy for the 2nd year in a row!). We will be raising money to go towards Go Partners (funding for families of fallen Firefighters & Police Officers), Cole Co Breast Cancer Awareness, and The Lincoln Blue Tiger QB Club. Our entry fee is $3000 and at the present time we have $655 towards this fund. Please consider signing up for our Raffle, Silent Auction, or just helping our cause. We are also going to have a place where you can donate $$ for Burpees done by the Football team (every $ donated equals a burpee for the team-divided equally); last year we raised over $1000 in burpees! 🙂
We are starting with a BBQ after the afternoon DU clinic so if you wanna eat, bring some meat to grill, a side dish, and BYOB and plan to stay awhile and meet your fellow CFU family members…this is a SPECIAL invitation for EVERYONE especially those who have NEVER been to a CFU party! SO COME!!
Here are the items for the Raffle and Silent Auction…
Raffle tickets will be sold starting June 9th. Winners will be drawn at the party (June 14th) around 7:30 p.m. You do not have to be present to win. See any CrossFit Football player during your workout time the week of June 9th to buy tickets.
Raffle Tickets $1 per ticket or 6 tickets for $5.
Items being raffled include-
- A chance to throw a shaving cream pie into Belinda’s face
- 1/2 off one month Crossfit Unstoppable membership
- CrossFit Unstoppable T-shirt your choice
- Hair Care Basket, Mani/Pedi GC, $25 Kim’s Nail Salon GC
- $45 Bliss Salon w/Shaina GC, $25 Busch’s GC
- Pet Basket
- American Flag (3’ x 5’)
- $25 Coltons GC, $25 Madisons GC, $25 Applebees GC, $20 PF Changs GC
- $25 Kohls GC, $25 Bed Bath and Beyond GC, Starbucks GC w/ Mug
- “Always Chase Dreams” Pic, homemade scarfs made by Hooked on Yarn
We will also have several silent auction items which will go up for bid also starting June 9th including a one-way remote start and installation from The Entertainer, a case of Fit Aid, a refinished dining table, a custom MU coffee table, and a Tastefully Simple “Grilling and Chilling” Basket.
So get in on the fun!! Looking forward to seeing you all there and be on the lookout for the items to be raffled starting next week! (See Coach about making a contribution to the team)
Hoping to see more of you on Sunday afternoon…attendance on Sundays has been down a bit! Start your week off right and get to the box Sunday afternoon and see what you CAN DO!!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!