“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”~Henry David Thoreau
What goals are you working towards? Have you written them down? Are they realistic? Are they specific? Are they obtainable? In order to get where you’re wishing to go, there’s always a starting point which is to define your goals, write them down, and even share them with one or two people to help keep you accountable. Accountability is key! Are you doing ENOUGH to BE ENOUGH for YOU?? Make the CHOICE today of where you want to be! 🙂
Last week of September means last chance to get your calories in on your rowing! Who will top 1000 calories? Just a heads up for next Saturday’s classes…we will be doing the CrossFit Total by sign-ups only (15 per class)-8am and 9am classes that day with Barbell following at 10am. The CrossFit total is a workout where you find your 1RM in the Back Squat, Strict Press, and Deadlift. You get 3 attempts at each lift. I believe March was the last time we did the Total; if you have not done it before, plan on signing up! We may have an opportunity next Sunday to Total as well if the interest is there.
15min mobility/yoga stretches
“Pet Rock” w/Partner – KB 70/53(nothing under 53/35)
50 reps each while partner holds “rock”-if KB touches ground, 15 burpee penalty(partners will switch when needed until they reach the 50 reps)
*Hollow rocks
*Med ball cleans 20/14
*Overhead walking lunges 45/25
*Ring Dips
*Deadlifts 225/155
*Wallballs 20/14
*200m run each
Scales: 45/40/35 reps
**Attendance was way down last week, let’s get a good start to the week and fill the box Sunday afternoon! 🙂
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!