
Bright Spots…

Sometimes (well, all of the time) we need to look for the bright spots in our lives and not focus on what we don’t have or what we can’t do.

Yesterday a friend posted about her son, DIL and two grandsons being rescued from the hurricane. They were trapped in their flooded and luckily got rescued. Now one could think about the total loss that they have endured with their house, but the bright spot is that everyone is SAFE and ALIVE! Thank goodness. I could not imagine being a young couple with young kids going through all of that.

I like for our members to focus on the bright spots in their life no matter how minimal it may seem. Hot coffee, bright sunshine, a car to drive to work, my spouse, my kids, my daughter’s birthday today, ability to workout, and the list can go on! So when you are having a bad day, remember your bright spots and know that someone else might be considering YOU their bright spot!

Make it a BRIGHT and HAPPY day! 😉

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


No Time to Workout?

Hogwash…that’s an expression my grandma always used when the truth wasn’t being told. So I think it’s a bunch of hogwash when people tell me they don’t have time to workout! YOU are worth 2% of your day…do you know how long 2% is?? It’s 30 minutes!!

You mean to tell me that you can’t set aside 30-60 minutes out of 1,440?? The American Heart Association recommends that people should exercise at least 60 minutes per day in order to fight off heart disease. Look at your lifestyle and be truthful, are you doing what is needed to keep your heart healthy? Are you exercising, eating healthy, staying away from tobacco, and limiting sodium in your diet?

As some of you know, I used to teach PE and I loved having the kids play games that actually taught them something…one particular game is called “Heart Attack Tag” – we had four taggers who each represented a risk factor for the possibility of having a heart attack – too much salt, lack of exercise, junk food and smoking. If you got tagged the first time, you would cross your arm across your chest and it meant you were 25% likely to have a heart attack; get tagged a 2nd time then both arms across your chest (50% likely for an attack). If a player got tagged a 3rd time (75% chance of an attack), then the player would lie on the floor and wait for a “Dr./ambulance” to come help. In order to get back in, the Dr. prescribed “exercise”, usually 5 jumping jacks. Have you ever tried to run around with both arms across your chest?? It’s hard! Think of how hard your heart has to work when proper care isn’t present…if it’s clogged with “junk” then it’s not going to work right.

Do you realize what the number one cause of deaths are in America? It’s heart disease…so don’t you think it’s time to put your heart first? Even if it’s just 2% of your day, you can begin somewhere and help reduce the chances to develop heart disease and other illnesses.

If you aren’t sure where to start, book an appointment with me and we can work something out! We have in person AND online options available to get you started towards a healthier YOU! Book HERE!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!