
Empowering Young Athletes: The Benefits of Youth Strength and Conditioning

Youth strength and conditioning programs have gained recognition for their ability to enhance athletic performance, reduce the risk of injury, and foster long-term physical development in young athletes. While there may be concerns surrounding the safety and effectiveness of weightlifting for young individuals, when done properly under the guidance of qualified professionals, strength training can be incredibly beneficial. Here are three key concepts to help young athletes succeed in sports by incorporating weightlifting into their training regimen:

1. Focus on Proper Technique and Form

The foundation of any successful strength training program for young athletes lies in teaching proper technique and form. Emphasize the importance of mastering fundamental movement patterns, such as squats, deadlifts, and presses, before progressing to heavier loads. Start with bodyweight exercises or light resistance to allow athletes to develop coordination, stability, and muscle control. By prioritizing technique over weight, you lay the groundwork for safe and effective strength development.

2. Emphasize Functional Strength and Injury Prevention

Strength training isn’t just about lifting heavy weights; it’s about improving functional strength that translates to better athletic performance and reduced injury risk. Incorporate exercises that mimic movements commonly used in sports, such as jumping, sprinting, and changing directions. By strengthening muscles and improving joint stability in a functional manner, young athletes can move more efficiently and with greater resilience on the field or court. Additionally, proper strength training can help address muscular imbalances and asymmetries, further reducing the likelihood of injuries.

3. Prioritize Progression and Recovery

A key principle of effective strength and conditioning for young athletes is progressive overload. Gradually increasing the intensity, volume, or complexity of exercises over time stimulates continued adaptation and growth. However, it’s essential to balance progression with adequate recovery to prevent overtraining and burnout. Encourage young athletes to listen to their bodies, prioritize rest and recovery days, and fuel their bodies with proper nutrition and hydration. Additionally, incorporating mobility work, foam rolling, and dynamic stretching into their routine can enhance recovery and maintain flexibility and joint health.

In conclusion, youth strength and conditioning programs offer numerous benefits for young athletes, from improved athletic performance to reduced injury risk and long-term physical development. By focusing on proper technique, emphasizing functional strength, and prioritizing progression and recovery, young athletes can harness the power of strength training to excel in their chosen sports while laying the foundation for a lifetime of health and fitness.

CrossFit Unstoppable is currently offering a Volleyball Strength and Conditioning program for girls Grades 5-9. We will start our next session on April 8th! Email us for more info –>


Debunking the Myth: Strength Training for Women

When it comes to fitness, one of the most persistent myths is that strength training will make women bulky. This misconception has discouraged many women from incorporating strength training into their fitness routines. However, let’s debunk this myth once and for all and shed light on how strength training can actually enhance lean muscle and boost metabolism without causing bulkiness.

The Myth of Bulking Up

The idea that women will become bulky from lifting weights is based on a misunderstanding of how the female body responds to strength training. The truth is that women have significantly lower levels of testosterone compared to men. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in muscle growth, and its lower levels in women mean that they are less likely to develop large, bulky muscles.

Enhancing Lean Muscle

Strength training, when done correctly, enhances lean muscle mass in both men and women. Instead of causing bulkiness, it helps sculpt a toned and shapely physique. When you engage in resistance exercises like lifting weights or using resistance bands, your muscles adapt by becoming denser and firmer, not excessively large.

Boosting Metabolism

One of the remarkable benefits of strength training is its impact on metabolism. As you build lean muscle, your body’s metabolic rate increases. Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain than fat tissue, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even at rest. This means that strength training can be a powerful tool for weight management and fat loss.

The Importance of Proper Programming

To reap the benefits of strength training without gaining excessive muscle mass, it’s crucial to follow a well-designed workout program. Your routine should focus on moderate weights and higher repetitions, emphasizing muscular endurance and toning rather than maximum strength and size.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, strength training is not the culprit behind bulky muscles in women. Instead, it is a valuable tool for enhancing lean muscle mass, sculpting a toned physique, and boosting metabolism. The myth of bulky muscles should not deter you from incorporating strength training into your fitness routine. When approached with the right mindset and program, it can be a game-changer for achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy, strong body. So, ladies, don’t be afraid to pick up those weights and discover the incredible benefits of strength training for yourself. Your journey to a fitter, healthier you awaits!

Come train with us!! Set up a FREE INTRO so we can help you get started on your Gains!


5 Reasons to Prioritize Workouts in Your Life

Exercise is often regarded as the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, and for good reason. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting to consider incorporating workouts into your routine, the benefits of regular physical activity are far-reaching and can positively impact various aspects of your life. Here are five compelling reasons to make workouts a priority:

1. Improved Physical Health

One of the most obvious and immediate benefits of regular workouts is the improvement of your physical health. Engaging in physical activity helps you maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, and enhance your overall cardiovascular health. Regular exercise also strengthens your bones, muscles, and joints, reducing the risk of injuries and age-related conditions like osteoporosis.

2. Enhanced Mental Well-Being

Exercise doesn’t just benefit your body; it’s also a powerful tool for boosting your mental well-being. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones, which can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Regular workouts can also improve your sleep quality, boost self-esteem, and enhance cognitive function, including memory and concentration.

3. Increased Energy Levels

Contrary to what you might expect, expending energy through exercise actually increases your overall energy levels. Regular physical activity improves the efficiency of your cardiovascular system and enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and cells. This, in turn, leads to increased vitality and reduced feelings of fatigue. So, rather than draining your energy, workouts can leave you feeling more energized for your daily activities.

4. Better Stress Management

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a common companion for many. Fortunately, exercise provides an effective and natural means of stress relief. Physical activity triggers the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, which help alleviate stress and improve your mood. Additionally, engaging in a workout can serve as a valuable opportunity to clear your mind, gain perspective, and reduce the negative impact of stressors in your life.

5. Enhanced Longevity

Regular workouts are associated with increased life expectancy. Studies consistently show that individuals who engage in regular physical activity are more likely to live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life in their later years. Exercise helps combat the effects of aging, from preserving muscle mass and bone density to maintaining flexibility and balance, all of which contribute to a healthier, more active lifestyle as you age.

Incorporating workouts into your life doesn’t require a complex fitness regimen or hours spent at the gym. You can start with simple activities like walking, cycling, or swimming, and gradually increase the intensity and duration as your fitness level improves. The key is consistency—making exercise a regular part of your routine.

Remember, the benefits of workouts extend beyond physical health; they positively impact your mental and emotional well-being, energy levels, stress management, and overall longevity. So, whether you’re looking to boost your mood, improve your health, or simply feel more vibrant, prioritizing regular exercise is a step in the right direction towards a happier, healthier you.

Don’t you want this for YOU?? Contact us today to see how to get started!


Unlocking Your Fitness Potential: The Science Behind Effective Workout Routines

Are you eager to transform your body and achieve your fitness goals? It’s common to feel overwhelmed by the plethora of workout options available today. However, understanding the science behind effective workout routines can be your key to unlocking your fitness potential.

The Scientific Foundation of Fitness

In your quest for a fitter, healthier life, it’s crucial to recognize the role of exercise science. Effective workout routines are not random activities; they are well-planned strategies rooted in scientific principles. These principles serve as the building blocks for your fitness journey.

The Fundamental Principle: Progressive Overload

At the core of effective workout routines is the principle of progressive overload. This principle dictates that to enhance your physical fitness, you must consistently challenge your body to perform beyond its comfort zone. The essence of progress lies in pushing your limits.

Adapting to Stress: Muscle Hypertrophy

When you engage in resistance training, whether it’s with weights or bodyweight exercises, your muscles undergo a fascinating process known as hypertrophy. When you stress your muscles through resistance, tiny microtears occur within the muscle fibers. As your body repairs these microtears, the muscle tissue becomes thicker and stronger. This adaptation process is how you build muscle and increase your strength.

The Role of Cardiovascular Training: Endurance and Heart Health

Cardiovascular exercise, like running, cycling, or swimming, is essential for improving endurance and heart health. During aerobic activities, your body demands more oxygen to meet the increased energy requirements. This leads to improved lung capacity and a stronger heart. Over time, your cardiovascular system becomes more efficient at pumping blood and oxygen to your muscles, allowing you to exercise longer and with greater intensity.

Flexibility and Mobility: Injury Prevention

Effective workout routines should also incorporate elements of flexibility and mobility. Stretching and mobility exercises help maintain and enhance joint range of motion, reducing the risk of injury. Additionally, improved flexibility can enhance your overall athletic performance.

The Role of Nutrition: Fueling Your Body

The science behind effective workout routines doesn’t stop at exercise. Proper nutrition is a crucial element. Your body requires the right balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to support muscle repair, energy production, and overall health. A well-rounded diet fuels your body for success, allowing you to get the most out of your workouts.

The Power of Rest and Recovery

One often underestimated aspect of effective workout routines is rest and recovery. Muscle growth and adaptation occur during periods of rest, not during the workout itself. Inadequate rest can lead to overtraining, increased risk of injury, and decreased performance. Quality sleep, nutrition, and active recovery techniques like stretching and foam rolling are vital for optimizing recovery.

Individualization: Tailoring Workouts to Your Needs

Lastly, the science behind effective workout routines recognizes that one size does not fit all. Your age, fitness level, goals, and any pre-existing medical conditions should guide your workout plan. Consultation with a fitness professional can help you create a personalized routine that maximizes your potential.

In conclusion, unlocking your fitness potential isn’t a matter of guesswork or trendy fads. It’s about understanding and applying the science behind effective workout routines. By embracing principles like progressive overload, proper nutrition, and adequate recovery, you can embark on a journey toward a healthier, fitter you. Remember, consistency and patience are key—your fitness potential is waiting to be unlocked one workout at a time.

If you want to start a new workout routine or have questions about getting started to a healthier you, set up a FREE INTRO! We would love to help!


Do You Have to be Fit to CrossFit?

No! CrossFit is a fitness program that can be adapted to suit people of all fitness levels, including those who aren’t in the greatest shape. In fact, many CrossFit gyms (commonly known as “boxes”) welcome individuals of various fitness backgrounds, body types, and ages. The workouts can be scaled and modified to accommodate each person’s abilities and needs.

CrossFit is designed to be inclusive and scalable, meaning that the intensity, load, and complexity of the exercises can be adjusted to match the individual’s fitness level. This allows participants to progress gradually and safely while still challenging themselves.

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering CrossFit and are getting started in a fitness routine:

  • Consult with a healthcare professional: Before starting any new exercise program, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Choose a supportive CrossFit gym: Look for a CrossFit gym with experienced coaches who are knowledgeable about scaling exercises and providing appropriate modifications. A supportive community can make a significant difference in your fitness journey. Ie – CrossFit Unstoppable 🙂 
  • Focus on proper form and technique: Learning the correct form for movements is crucial to prevent injuries and maximize the benefits of your workouts.
  • Set realistic goals: Set achievable and realistic fitness goals that are specific to your needs and abilities. CrossFit is about progress and personal growth, so celebrate every milestone, no matter how small.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body feels during workouts. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to communicate with your coach and ask for modifications.
  • Be patient and consistent: Progress in CrossFit, like any fitness program, takes time and consistency. Be patient with yourself and focus on steady improvements.

Remember, CrossFit can be an excellent way to improve overall fitness, strength, and endurance. It can also be an enjoyable way to connect with like-minded individuals on a fitness journey. If you’re interested, give it a try and see how it works for you.

You can get started today!! Just book a FREE No Sweat Intro with one of our trainers!


40+ Years Old?

Let’s talk strength training…

Strength training offers numerous benefits for women over 40, helping them maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Here are five reasons why women in this age group should incorporate strength training into their fitness routines:

  1. Muscle mass preservation: As women age, they naturally experience a decline in muscle mass. Strength training helps counteract this process by stimulating muscle growth and maintenance. By retaining muscle mass, women over 40 can improve their overall strength, mobility, and functionality, making daily activities and movements easier and reducing the risk of injuries.
  2. Increased metabolism and weight management: Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, meaning that having more muscle can boost your resting metabolic rate. By strength training, women over 40 can support their weight management goals and maintain a healthier body composition, even if their metabolism tends to slow down with age.
  3. Bone density improvement: After menopause, women face an increased risk of osteoporosis due to declining estrogen levels. Strength training has been shown to stimulate bone formation, enhancing bone density and reducing the risk of fractures and bone-related issues. It can be particularly beneficial for women over 40 to mitigate the effects of age-related bone loss.
  4. Hormonal balance and mood enhancement: Strength training has positive effects on hormonal balance, promoting the release of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. These “feel-good” chemicals help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, which can be more prevalent in women over 40 due to hormonal changes. Regular strength training sessions can contribute to improved mood and overall well-being.
  5. Joint and back pain relief: As people age, joint and back pain may become more common due to wear and tear on the body. Strengthening the muscles around the joints and core can provide better support and stability, reducing the strain on these areas. This can lead to decreased discomfort and improved functional abilities, allowing women over 40 to stay active and engaged in various physical activities.

It’s essential for women over 40 to engage in strength training exercises that suit their fitness level and any existing medical conditions. Consulting a qualified fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program is recommended to ensure safety and to receive personalized guidance.

If you want to get started on a strength training routine and have fun at the same time, set up a No Sweat Intro with us at CrossFit Unstoppable! We would love to help!


Working Out in the MO Heat

When it comes to working out in the summer, some people prefer the “comfort” of an early morning workout. However, there are MANY reasons to embrace the heat and humidity! While exercising in high heat and humidity might seem counterintuitive, it actually offers a multitude of surprising benefits. In this post, we’ll explore why sweating it out in challenging conditions can be advantageous for your fitness journey.

1. Increased Calorie Burn:

One of the notable benefits of working out in high heat and humidity is the enhanced calorie burn. When your body is exposed to higher temperatures, it needs to work harder to regulate its core temperature. This increased effort leads to a higher metabolic rate, causing your body to burn more calories during and even after your workout. So, if you’re looking to shed those extra pounds, exercising in hot and humid conditions might help you reach your weight loss goals more efficiently.

2. Improved Cardiovascular Performance:

Exercising in high heat and humidity can have a significant impact on your cardiovascular system. The combination of heat and humidity makes your heart work harder to pump blood and oxygen to your muscles, which ultimately strengthens your cardiovascular endurance. Over time, this can improve your overall stamina and make your regular workouts feel more manageable.

3. Enhanced Detoxification:

Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling down, and when you exercise in a hot and humid environment, you tend to sweat more profusely. This increased sweating helps eliminate toxins and impurities from your body, promoting detoxification and cleansing your system. Just remember to stay hydrated and replenish your fluids adequately to support this natural detox process.

4. Mental Toughness and Resilience:

Pushing your limits in challenging conditions can do wonders for your mental strength and resilience. Exercising in high heat and humidity requires mental determination and the ability to overcome discomfort. By regularly subjecting yourself to these conditions, you can cultivate mental toughness that extends beyond your workouts and positively impacts other aspects of your life.

5. Adaptation to Changing Environments:

Exposing your body to different environmental conditions, such as heat and humidity, can help it adapt and become more adaptable to a range of situations. This adaptability can be especially beneficial if you participate in outdoor activities or sports that require you to perform in various weather conditions. Training in high heat and humidity can prepare your body for such challenges, enabling you to excel in diverse environments.

While exercising in high heat and humidity may not be suitable for everyone and requires caution, it offers several surprising benefits. From increased calorie burn and improved cardiovascular performance to enhanced detoxification and mental toughness, there are compelling reasons to incorporate workouts in challenging conditions into your fitness routine. 

**However, it’s essential to prioritize safety, stay hydrated, and listen to your body’s signals. Remember to consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions. So, why not step out of your comfort zone and give it a try? Embrace the heat and humidity, and let your workouts reach new heights.

Let us know if you would like to set up a No Sweat Intro so you can get started with us today! 🙂


5 Tips for Better Arms

“How do I get better arms?”

We get this question all the time. Sometimes it’s from people who are looking to build muscle in their biceps and triceps. Other times, people are looking to achieve better tone. We’ll answer the question for both crowds.

Here are five things you can do to get the arms you want.

1. Eat Properly

Surprised this one is first? Don’t be: Nutrition is the foundation of everything when it comes to fitness. If you want to build larger muscles, you’ll need protein. And if you’re looking to increase tone and definition, you’ll need to reduce body fat. To drop fat, you must have your nutrition dialed in: You can’t eat excessive amounts of food, and some foods will help you accomplish your goals faster than others.

We have nutrition experts who can tell you exactly how to eat for your goals, but here’s the short, general version: Prioritize protein, and look to whole foods like fruit and veggies before processed, fatty foods with lots of added sugar.

2. Lift Heavy Stuff!

To build some arm muscle, you need to lift enough weight to cause the muscle to grow. That means the last reps in any set should be challenging. If you do a set of 8 biceps curls and the last rep felt very easy, you’re probably not lifting heavy enough. 

You need to “feel the burn” and challenge yourself! That safe stress will trigger your body to grow new muscle to adapt to the work you’re asking it to perform. Muscle growth is called “hypertrophy.”

In the past, people often saw bulging bodybuilders and worried that heavy lifting would turn them into behemoths covered in veins. That just doesn’t happen without very hard, very specific training (and often anabolic steroids). So don’t worry that heavy lifting will make you “bulky.” Lifting heavy is exactly what you need to build muscle and achieve great arms.

How heavy should you go? That depends on the movement and the sets and reps you’re doing. A coach can give you an exact plan—and we’ll talk about that below.

3. Do Arm Movements

This seems obvious, but we’ll point out something most people miss: You shouldn’t just focus on the biceps if you want great arms. Sure, the biceps are prominent, but you can’t forget all the muscles of the forearms and the triceps on the back of the arm. Deltoids are considered shoulder muscles, but they still help move the arms, and you should work them, too.

Hundreds of movements can be used to train these specific muscles. You can use barbells, dumbbells, bands, cable stations, body weight and household objects. A lot of times people will use “single joint” or “isolation” movements to train the arms. Think biceps curls, triceps extensions, delt raises and so on. 

These movements can be great if you want to target very specific areas. For best results, we recommend you train all the muscles in the arm in isolation and together—read on!

4. Do Compound Movements

Compound movements work many muscle groups at once and involve several joints. Think about a pull-up, for example. It requires the elbows and the shoulders to move, and it trains a host of muscles at once.

Isolation movements are great, but don’t think you aren’t training your triceps in a bench press or your shoulders in a barbell press. You’ll get a huge bang for your buck with compound movements, and we use them regularly in the gym. As an added benefit, compound movements usually involve the muscles of the core and sometimes even the legs. That means you can improve your whole body even if you’re mainly focused on your arms.

A few great compound movements for arms: pull-ups, chin-ups, bench presses, shoulder presses, bent-over barbell rows.

5. Change Your Routine

If you always do the same thing, your body will adapt for a while and then stop adapting. But if you change your routine at appropriate times, your body will keep adapting to new stresses and you’ll get the results you want. 

That means you might do 3 sets of 8 reps of barbell biceps curls with 20 lb. for three weeks, then switch to 2 sets of 12 reps of dumbbell hammer curls with 10 lb. in each hand for three weeks. 

You can adjust the weights you use, the reps, the sets, the movements, the rest and the number of times you train. But it’s not random. You need to make the right changes at the right time. We could write a huge book on that, and we carefully tailor workouts to our clients so they get results. We’ll just say this to get you started: Change up your routine at least every four weeks to ensure you’d don’t hit a plateau.

Get to Work!

There you have it! With these five tips, you’re well on your way to better arms.

We’ll even give you a simple workout:

2-3 sets of 8 alternating dumbbell biceps curls (rest 45 seconds between sets)

2-3 sets of 8 dumbbell lying triceps extensions (rest 45 seconds between sets)

2-3 sets of 8 dumbbell hammer curls to overhead presses (rest 60 seconds between sets)

2-3 sets of 8 dumbbell bent-over rows to triceps kickbacks (rest 60 seconds between sets)

If you’d like a more specific plan that will help you accomplish your specific goals faster, we can help. Click INTRO to book a free consultation with one of our expert coaches today!


Building Strength After 40: Yes, You Can!

Can you build strength after 40? (Pic shown is me at 46 😉 )


Many people think that we get weaker as we get older. And it’s true that we’ll all experience some physical decline as we age. 

But it’s a fact that strength can be improved at any age, and older adults who train regularly can become incredibly strong. With continued training, they can hold much of that strength very late in life.

Think of it like this: If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. And you certainly won’t improve it.

People who are sedentary will start weak and become ever weaker if they don’t train as they age. Similarly, an active person who stops training will grow weaker quickly and then gradually become weaker as years pass. 

The flip side is amazing: 

Inactive people who start working out at any age become stronger—often quite quickly at first. As people continue to train, they’ll gradually gain more strength. If they continue working out over their entire lives, they’ll become very strong, and they’ll lose strength due to advanced age at a much slower rate. 

These people retain their capabilities later in life even as inactive people around them lose their independence! 

We’ve seen people well over 70 gain strength and dramatically improve function, so if you’re over 40, it’s definitely not too late to start.  

Strength Training Over 40: Three Secrets 

Here are three tips for gaining strength after 40 (you aren’t “over the hill”):

1. You have to work out consistently. 

Building strength is about momentum. If you train 2-4 times a week and do the right stuff (see below), you’ll get stronger and stronger. But you can’t work out for a month and then take a month off. If you do, you’ll lose your progress. 

2. You have to do the right things the right way at the right times. 

Strength training is a balance of stress and recovery, and you can definitely do too much or too little. Similarly, doing the same things over and over will blunt their effect. You need some variety and something called “progressive overload” to ensure you always make progress. And then you need to make sure you do the movements properly. Don’t stress about all this—our professional coaches take care of everything for you!

3. Nutrition is important. 

You can’t drive a vehicle without fuel, and your body won’t become stronger without the right food. Protein is important, and so are vitamins and minerals. Carbs and fats figure into the equation, too. Again, we’re experts and we can tell you how to optimize your nutrition so you get strong!

Let’s Start Lifting Together!

Remember, It’s never too late to start working out. Here’s the best part of all: People who start working out usually notice changes in strength fast. As the body “wakes up” and connects the brain to the muscles that are already there, people get stronger very quickly.

Later, with great training and nutrition, people generally notice a few more changes. Their clothes start to fit differently, movement becomes easier and more fun, and they usually add a little bit of muscle. 

Don’t worry about “getting bulky.” That just doesn’t happen. If you gain muscle, it will happen slowly, and you’ll look “fit” rather than “bulky.” You don’t have to be big to be strong.

We’d love to help you accomplish your goals. We specialize in building strength in people over 40, and we’ll tell you exactly how we can help you do it in a free consultation. Click on the consultation link below to get started on your fitness journey with CrossFit Unstoppable!

You came here to find out if you can get stronger after 40. Now you know that you can. You just have to start training.

Don’t waste another day—book a consultation with us today and let’s get started!


The Gift of Resilience

When looking at your body composition goals there are often 2 competing thoughts: 

A quick fix and dramatic results are what you crave. 

There is nothing more you want than to get to your goals as fast as you can, but it often feels exhausting and overwhelming.


I need to learn habits that I can maintain long term.

Taking the time to get the desired results will help maintain these results, but it feels “not so sexy”.

Let’s examine what can happen with each approach.

Many of us have done restrictive challenges, fad diets and had amazing results, only to feel depleted and exhausted. Maintaining these behaviors is tough due to the rules and restrictions. The upside is the aesthetic results. Many people comment on how amazing you look. Inside, you may not feel the same. Fatigue and feeling deprived have been mentioned by some people who have adopted the quick fixes and are now searching for something sustainable. Without that sustainable approach, many people return to old ways.

Often time quick fixes and restrictive diets leave a person isolated. They don’t often promote the balance between real life and the diet. An example here is an event like a birthday or work party. On a restrictive diet, there is a temptation to not participate, not enjoy the event due to the foods or beverages involved. Instead, there is much to be learned about taking a planned break from a diet, having some “controlled fun” if you will and then challenging yourself to get back into a healthy routine after the event is done.

What is missing with these quick fixes is the time to learn habits that build your foundation. By taking your time to really learn different healthy behaviors, practicing them in real-life situations, building them into your routine, creates behaviors that are second nature and effortless. Another thing that is missing is the building of a healthier more resilient mindset that you have been able to overcome a setback and get back on track with healthy behaviors. Taking the time to learn healthy habits, a few at a time, and challenging yourself to commit to getting back on track after a time where you have gone off track builds resilience and mental toughness. 

Another thing that can happen that feels more far off by taking your time is that you are taking small steps each day to invest in your long term health. Each day, by working on habits, you are making internal gains on working on avoiding the burden of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. 

The challenge here is allowing yourself to appreciate what can be gained by taking the time to learn the process, trusting that by investing the time and effort in learning healthy habits that this will yield a healthier and happier, more resilient you for a lifetime. 

If you are looking for a healthier and more sustainable approach to achieving your goals, we recommend booking a free intro with our nutrition coaching staff!

Click here to book your free intro today: FREE INTRO