Who Are We??
CrossFit Philosophy/Mission Statement
Better Than Yesterday…At CrossFit Unstoppable, we believe that when you walk through the doors, your day will be made better through the community, the workout, your effort and hard work; and when you leave, you will leave better than yesterday!
Our Values
*We value the fact that we have faith in our members no matter their level of fitness and will encourage the members to stay after it when things get difficult.
*We value the whole athlete in regards to body, mind and spirit and will help each member reach goals never deemed possible.
*We value kindness displayed towards our members and will greet every member in the classes with a genuine attitude.
*We value fairness and equality and will, regardless of ability, train each member with exceptional practices during our classes.
*We value an optimistic spirit and will motivate and encourage the members in our classes and online when necessary.
CrossFit Unstoppable Vision
The vision for CFU is to help people in the Jefferson City community to improve their health and well-being in relationship to fitness and nutrition and to create relationships built on trust, kindness, and optimism in a like-minded community.
That’s who WE are and we would LOVE for you to join us! Just book a FREE INTRO and come see what we are all about!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!