CrossFit Unstoppable’s LIFEStrong Nutrition/Fitness Challenge
Who: CFU Members
What: A 12-week nutrition/wellness/fitness challenge that will take you further than you’ve been before in your life…Why 12 weeks? Because 4 weeks isn’t enough…6 weeks isn’t enough…8 weeks isn’t enough…12 is just enough for you to start seeing the differences in your physique and overall health. 84 Days will take you beyond your expectations…IF you are willing to COMMIT! Are you committed? Are you ready to transform? Are you ready to be the best you that you can be? Then COMMIT! Commit to better eating…Commit to better wellness…Commit to changing your LIFE!
When: Kick-Off meeting is Monday, May 4th at 6:30pm The Challenge will begin on Monday, May 11 and end on Sunday, August 2nd. The week in between the meeting and beginning will give you a chance to PREPARE for success. It will also give you a chance to ask questions of the veterans of these types of challenges.
Where: Meeting will take place at CFU (bring a chair if you want to be comfy)…Workouts will take place at CFU AND on your own when you can’t make it to the box.
Why: Because I believe that you want to make permanent changes to your lifestyle…I believe that you want to feel better…I believe that you want to look better…I believe that with this support system you WILL and CAN succeed! I BELIEVE IN YOU! So join us!
Cost: Free to members, but you will be asked to WORK at this…no hand holding…there will be encouragement, but there will be no rides on a Pity Party train…Life happens and things will get in the way, but with this challenge, I hope to help out your mindset and get to the heart of your nutrition woes. So are you ready? Then I’ll see you at the meeting!
CAN’T MAKE THE MEETING? I’m hoping to video tape and post to my YouTube channel for all the details. There will be forms to download and print off –>this is on you to keep track of what needs to be printed, copied, tracked and reported…If you want it bad enough then you will do the work!
WHAT TO EXPECT AT THE MEETING ON MONDAY…A basic overview of nutrition and how whole foods works for your body…discuss some personal goals…cover how much to eat and how often…cover basic supplements and water intake…perform the baseline workout (yes, come dressed to do a short workout)…you will be weighed and measured (every 4 wks)…you will have your before picture taken…You will be joining an AWESOME group of people who are ready to support each and every one of you so get ready for the ride of your life!! 🙂
GOT FACEBOOK? If so, then you will be put into our private nutrition group…If you are not my friend, please send a request so I can get you in the group! Much of our inspiration, motivation and recipes occur within this group.
Other Questions?? Save them for the meeting or your “mentor”—more on that later 🙂