
Saturday 6.27.20

When it rains…

Finish the sentence…it pours, right? Seems like that’s what it has been like since January. One thing after another seems to be popping up and a lot of time we can lose our focus.

A quote that comes to mind is by Maya Angelou-“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Sounds simple, but do you do that?

Focus on what you CAN control as it can change your life. I was sitting out on the back porch (only 80 degrees so was pretty nice) and then the storm blew in…the weather is something I can’t control so I picked myself up out of the chair and just watched the storm blow past. I see sunshine now -You have to go through the storms to see the rainbows 🙂 I changed my attitude about that storm and thought about something better.

Your mindset is a powerful thing-be positive, be persistent and be THAT person that people want to be around. Try being the most enthusiastic person in the room and see what happens…I tell you, it will start a ripple effect and it makes you a happier person as well. YOU are in control of your own happiness.

How you go about your work at home and the workforce is something you can control as well. You can proceed to be negative towards your job or how your home situation is, but like the quote mentioned, is there anything that you can change about it? Can YOU be the bigger person and go above and beyond to cause change instead of complaining? I always like to say “get to” instead of “have to”…So next time you say I have to cook dinner or I have to workout, remind yourself that you have food to cook and a body that has the ability to workout!

The Golden Rule is something you can control as well…be kind and treat others the way you want to be treated. There is so much hostility going on in the world; be the change you want to see in the world and let’s make this place a better world to live! Pay-It-Forward!

Do you have control over how you treat your body? Do you: Eat Clean? Get adequate sleep? Drink enough water? Stay active daily? Read? Listen to motivational music/podcasts? Avoid negativity? Meditate? Your mind and body is the best investment you can make these days! Take care of yourself!

Lastly, keep this quote in mind when dealing with life: “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it”~Charles Swindoll

Have a great Saturday and focus on controlling the “rain” 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!