
Sunday FUNday!

Many people use their Sundays as a rest day to rev up for the upcoming week…how do you spend your Sundays?

  • Nothing
  • Church
  • Spending time with family
  • Exercising
  • Meal Prepping
  • Watching Netflix 😉
  • Cleaning the house
  • Working

There are many things that one can tackle and it’s great to do nothing at all or mix a few things up here and there. I myself do almost all of the things listed (except for cleaning-least favorite thing to do unless it’s a barbell 😉 ).

The important thing is to take time for YOU! Do what makes you happy and JOYful! Fill up your cup so you have more to give in the upcoming week!

Here’s to a great week and many blessings on your Sunday FUNday whatever you choose to do! 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Transformation Tuesday!

 “I gained a bunch of weight in sobriety, just quit smoking, and now I needed to work on a healthy lifestyle. I had no idea the wonderful people I would meet and just how helpful they would be for me.

I’m on track with nutrition and it feels normal to eat healthy. That would have never happened without CFU and the nutrition program. I love the workouts the most though…I started gaining muscle and losing fat almost immediately after starting.

CFU really exceeded my expectations and you shouldn’t wait for the “right time”. Join TODAY! You won’t regret it!”

Today we would like to celebrate with Jennifer as she has accomplished amazing things in the past 3 months! Jennifer came in right before Christmas for a consult really unsure of what she needed to do so we worked out a plan for her.

She started with the Unstoppable Fitness Boot Camp program four days a week in late December (I wouldn’t let her wait until the new year 😉 ) She has found that she is strong and capable and wanted to add to her success so she joined our Nutrition program as well in mid-January. She will admit that she didn’t know how to eat healthy and she needed someone to help her with nutrition.

We got her on the right track and with this combo, she is headed towards great things! We (Aaron, Heather, Nikki and myself) as well as everyone else at CFU couldn’t be prouder of you, Jennifer! Keep up the amazing work! 🙂

If you would like to see similar results, set up a FREE INTRO! We want to help as many people as possible! P.S. You don’t have to be a member of CrossFit Unstoppable OR live in the Jefferson City area…we have remote and online training as well – how cool is that?!?

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Tuesday Thoughts…

Sunday I had my 53rd birthday…holy smokes, where did that come from?? See, in my mind I think I’m still in my 30’s (although my body doesn’t agree some days 😉 ). Your mindset is soooo powerful in how your perceive your life to be.

If you have the wrong attitude about things going on your life, like “I’m never going to be able to get out of debt…”, “I’m never going to be able to lose weight…”, or “I’m never going to be able to find my dream job…” Chances are, you never will!

You can’t wait for the perfect moment to start something because life is never perfect, things might be good, but it’s never perfect. It takes baby steps in order for you to start something and one needs to realize anything that is a daunting task will be a marathon and not a sprint.

We tell our fitness and nutrition clients NOT to expect drastic weight loss overnight or even in 30 days because we want them to establish healthy habits in order to succeed. Think about all of the gimmicks out there where you can lose 10# in 10 days…how healthy do you think that is? Or “drink this drink for 30 days and watch the scale plummet!”…these things are not teaching you how to eat a balanced diet.

This is just my opinion, but whatever is natural should be the things that should be consumed. If it wasn’t made by God and from the earth, then most likely it isn’t good for your body. Now don’t get me wrong, I will consume things here and there that are not natural, but I have a good sense of how to eat. (Even though sometimes I indulge…but that’s okay because that is life!)

The important thing to remember here is that there will be ups and downs in one’s fitness/health journey, but if you know how to get back on track and WANT to get back on track, then there are ways to get there! Reach out if you would like to set up a FREE consult to figure out how to get back on track with your wellness journey! Book a FREE INTRO today so we can help! 🙂

Have a Great Tuesday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



Last night I posted a picture of my January calendar…I had decided not to really make any resolutions for 2021. Why? Well, in the past they just haven’t worked out that well for me. So I went in with a different plan – habit tracking!

For the most part it worked! I picked a couple things that I knew I could do on a regular basis – water intake and exercise. Proud to say that I got all of my water in and exercised all but 4 days in January. Exercise and water do the body good for sure! 🙂

For the other 3 things I thought this would be a struggle, but I kept putting one foot in front of the other…I will tell you this, I love a good cold beer here and there, but I know they are empty calories so I set out to try and limit my alcohol intake. I went nine days then had a beer with dinner one night out with Jerry. The following weekend we had a members night out and let’s just say I had a “few” 🙂 This was probably the hardest “habit” to conquer because it’s easy to come home and reach for that beer or wine to “wind down”…but I chose other things to focus on instead. I know it’s not the same, but I’ve started having some tea in the evenings (decaf!) and that has helped.

I went 31 days with NO Ice Cream!! During January, I wanted to cut out as much junk food as possible (had 2 days where I had some cookies 🙂 ) The ice cream win was HUGE! To combat that sweet tooth I just had healthy options available at home; a go to favorite is protein ice cream – mash 1/2 banana, scoop of protein powder (I use vanilla), almond milk then freeze for about 45min! Yum!

The last thing I did was try to eliminate at least 5 pieces of “clutter” from home/work. This is definitely helping as I ridded our house (and part of my office) of the unnecessary. It really does feel freeing!

I’m going to continue in February and continue to focus on these 5 things as well as add one more “habit” to track…a daily blog post! I keep meaning to post every day, but then I get sucked in to other things. So I’m going to provide a post (try to any way!) every day in February…Should be easier at the end right?? Tune in for information, inspiration and motivation in the next 27 days or so!

Happy Tuesday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Monday Motivation

July 2009…XL clothes weighing around 220

I chose not to go into the gym this morning for the 8:30 class. As I sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee (black, no extra stuff 😉 ) I thought, I’ll just do something real quick at home to get a workout in and then get busy on some to do list things. I sat for a couple of minutes longer and told myself, if not now, when?? Many times if I wait until the afternoon or even a few minutes longer of sitting on the comfy couch, I end up doing nothing.

So downstairs I went to take a stroll on the treadmill contemplating what I should do for a workout today. Our regular workout that was programmed was 5 rounds of 3min as many rounds as possible of 20 bar facing burpees, 15 hollow rocks then max effort of overhead squats at 65# for the ladies. I thought, I could do that with the 22# trainer bar…but the longer I walked the more the thought of doing that version drifted away from my thoughts.

So after walking a mile I went back upstairs equipped with my abmat and timer on my phone and ended up doing and every minute on the minute of 10 burpees, 20 situps and 20 squats. This ended up being 7 rounds for 21 minutes. Definitely got my heart rate up AND took me down memory lane. You see, as I was jumping up on one of my burpees, my eye caught a glimpse of a family photo from the summer of 2009. The summer before I made the biggest decision of my life. That decision was to finally start walking the walk that I’d been teaching to my PE students.

It was time to stop making excuses for being lazy and get my @$$ in gear. So I did…that December I decided to make treks to the YMCA (this was a couple years before CFU) at 4:30am 5 days a week to make a change in my life. I would do some dumbbell work on MWF and cardio on TTH…I would do the same exercises over and over…don’t get me wrong, it was hard and I stuck with it and after 12 weeks I lost around 12# or so. I was feeling much better about myself and I started running more…and I signed up for my first 5K! What?? I never was a runner per se, but had done sprints for basketball and volleyball in HS/College. Running more than a mile was going to be challenging, but I did it…In May of 2010, I ran that 5K and didn’t even stop to walk. That running kinda became an addiction and I was doing about 2 5K’s per month and getting faster with each one. The running along with lifting weights was doing wonders for my transformation so I kept at it and people started to notice.

In the summer of 2010, I discovered CrossFit and haven’t looked back since. It has been life changing and I KNOW I would not have met the people I know today had it not been for continuing on my CrossFit journey…

In 2010, I started sharing my experience with some moms at the school I was teaching at and that’s how Mid-MO Fitness was “born”…in my little basement in Wardsville. I had a couple of “clients” who would come over and workout. I loved (still do!) helping people, but wanted to help more so I started some boot camps – those were fun 🙂 And then…I applied for CrossFit affiliation…Next Saturday (28th) will be our 9 year anniversary. A lot of ups and downs, but in the long scheme of things, I’m living my dream…to help people become better than yesterday.

Long story short, that glimpse of that pic made me realize how far I’ve come in the last 11 years and I never want to go back. So if you’re needing some motivation to get started let me know and I can steer you in the right direction OR if you need help staying motivated, I can help you there too. Just think about where you want to be this time next year and get your rear in gear 😉

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! 🙂


Bright Spots…

Sometimes (well, all of the time) we need to look for the bright spots in our lives and not focus on what we don’t have or what we can’t do.

Yesterday a friend posted about her son, DIL and two grandsons being rescued from the hurricane. They were trapped in their flooded and luckily got rescued. Now one could think about the total loss that they have endured with their house, but the bright spot is that everyone is SAFE and ALIVE! Thank goodness. I could not imagine being a young couple with young kids going through all of that.

I like for our members to focus on the bright spots in their life no matter how minimal it may seem. Hot coffee, bright sunshine, a car to drive to work, my spouse, my kids, my daughter’s birthday today, ability to workout, and the list can go on! So when you are having a bad day, remember your bright spots and know that someone else might be considering YOU their bright spot!

Make it a BRIGHT and HAPPY day! 😉

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Rainy Day Blues

Taking care of your mental health…

If you’re in Central Missouri (Jefferson City) and you take a look outside…it’s cloudy, rainy and pretty miserable looking. Some days I like when it rains, a nice slow rain that’s calming, but yesterday’s storm was a little unsettling as it felt almost like a tornado came through.

I think some of us can chalk up our days and compare them to the different types of storms that occur. I saw an IG post the other day of 2 different pictures, one where it was sunny and he had a smile, the other it was rainy and he had a frown. 🙁

What makes the dreariness overtake our moods? It’s our mindset! If we LET the rain/cloudiness bring us down then you can for sure set yourself up for a bad mood. If you make yourself think on the positive – like, we needed the rain, the temps are cooler now, I don’t have to run (in our workout today 😉 ), etc…then this shifts your mindset!

Everyone has bad days, I for sure am one of them, but we don’t need to stay in those bad days…there are things that you can do to help shift your mindset where you can make things better. Speaking from experience of anxiety and depression, I KNOW it’s rough but there are ways to help and to make your mental health a priority…

  • Seek medical help/advice – anyone who has not experienced anxiety or depression, it sucks! But there IS help out there…no one has the same chemical balance/makeup in their brain, we are all different and our brains receive things in a different way. So if you have struggled with anxiety/depression, talk to your doctor because there IS a way to help you with your “blues”.
  • Get enough sleep; depriving your body of the right amount of sleep (7-8 hrs) is setting yourself up for lacking energy during the day, wanting to nap mid-afternoon and becoming irritable with family, friends and co-workers…No one wants that!
  • MOVE your BODY! Exercise is said to be the best anti-depressant on the market…Do this little thing for me, set a timer for 30 seconds, put some music on and just dance…no one’s watching you so let yourself go to town! I bet it puts a smile on your face! Get it!
  • Step up your Nutrition Game and fuel your body the RIGHT way! Stop putting crap in your body and you may stop feeling the same way! 😉
  • Surround yourself with like-minded and positive people…Yes, I’m going to say it, don’t be a “Debbie Downer” or “Negative Ned” 🙂 When your bad mood affects the others in the room, that is a sure sign that an attitude adjustment needs to take place.
  • Spend some quiet time reflecting on being grateful; something that I have been doing (not as regular as I should bc I forget!) is to add to my “Blessings Box”…I write down 2-3 things that I’m thankful for or great things that happened then toss them into my little box. I can then pull from them at a later time to reminisce and it for sure will put a smile on my face.

I for sure do not have all the answers for everything, but I have lived with mental health issues my entire life so I have a little bit of insight on how to deal with some things. I’m not a counselor, but I empathize with people who are going through a rough stretch, but remember – that rough stretch doesn’t have to be forever…seek the help you need and those rainy day blues will soon turn to rainbows 🙂

Have a happy and bright Tuesday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Heading into September…

Blink…Yep, August is almost gone; how did that happen?? I’m sure everyone has those weeks where you think, “How did Friday get here so fast?” I mean you’re happy and all, but what just happened?

Most people this past week sent their kiddos back to school after being out for nearly 5 months…Stress is in the air…There’s tension and perhaps a little bit of chaos going around in homes these days – more so than usual.

If you are a bit stressed about how these next weeks are going to go, I want you to do this – Focus on what you CAN control!

  • Sleep-Try to shoot for 7-8 hours each night; more for your kids!
  • Meals-Make a list of meals you would like to have in the evenings during the week – meal prep for a couple hours during a wkd afternoon. Prepare healthy snacks for your kids to grab and go instead of having them reach for junk (same for you 😉 ) Our site now has tons of recipes!
  • MOVE – Even if you can only get a 20 minute walk in during the day, perhaps get up 20min earlier or walk on one of your breaks – it will do your body and mind good!
  • Focus on the positive – stay off of social media that causes stress

If you focus on these things that are in your control, then I think heading into September may be a little bit less stressful! If you need help with managing your nutrition or fitness, give us a shout, we are here to help!

OH! Want to experience a CrossFit Unstoppable Class?? In the month of September, Tuesday evenings at 6:30, come and give it a shot for FREE!

Have a great Sunday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Defeating the “Monday Blues”

And other things that get us down…

How many of you dread Mondays?? To be honest, when I was a teacher, I dreaded it! I always counted down the days til Friday because that’s when I could get some downtime. Back in the day, while I loved my job of teaching, I didn’t have the coping mechanisms in place to battle the stresses of raising a family, teaching and coaching.

Everything piled up together led to a poor attitude, lack of motivation and depression. I was stuck and didn’t know how to get out. Enough was enough in 2009, when I finally took back control of my life. I was tired of being sick and tired 🙁 The pic represents about what I looked like…I may be smiling on the outside, but on the inside I had the blues…

I was a PE teacher so I should know what to do right? I tried…I set off to the gym at 4:30 every other morning to do “weights”; I stayed by the “baby weights” because I really didn’t know what I was doing (we only had the Nautilus machines in college) so I stayed in my little corner. I did some “cardio” on the days I wasn’t in the gym…my version of cardio is definitely not the same as today’s version (just ask the members!!)

Today marks my 10th anniversary of doing CrossFit…I’m in a better place physically and mentally. Everyone goes through a journey and everyone has to start somewhere…my first somewhere was getting sick of doing nothing about it…my second somewhere was wanting to do more for myself so I took the leap and called CrossFit United in Columbia and set up an intro course. BEST decision ever because the rest is history…

I definitely wouldn’t be writing this little piece on this website had it not been for that decision. I fought off a lot of “Monday Blues” back in the day, but today with nutrition and exercise I look forward to EVERY DAY! We are only given this day once and we are only given one body so do something remarkable with it!

Yes, today is Monday, but let’s make it BRIGHT – not Blue 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!