
Better Than Yesterday!

I was recently listening to a podcast and the whole theme was “What is your purpose?” What are you doing to make this world a better place to live in? Are you adding value to people’s lives? Are you making others happy? Do you live life intentionally and for a purpose ON purpose?

Lots of deep thoughts here, but think about it…if you are just going through the motions of life without any set purpose, then what is the point?? Think about your dreams and what you’ve always wanted to become or where you want to go; you’re never too old to follow your dreams! Don’t get stuck in the mundane and just sludge through life…Find a purpose and go forward with that mission.

Ten years ago I did just that…I decided to get my Level 1 CrossFit Certification…mainly so I could use the word “CrossFit” for my PE classes. Who knew that a couple months later I would start a small boot camp and eventually CrossFit Unstoppable! I set off on a mission to help others feel the way I was feeling and that is still my mission today!

Below is our Mission, Values and Vision…I would LOVE for you to play a part in these in some way so I can HELP you!!

CrossFit Philosophy/Mission Statementย  ย  ย  ย 

Better Than Yesterdayโ€ฆAt CrossFit Unstoppable, we believe that when you walk through the doors, your day will be made better through the community, the workout, your effort and hard work; and when you leave, you will leave better than yesterday! ย 

Our Values

*We value the fact that we have faith in our members no matter their level of fitness and   will  encourage the members to stay after it when things get difficult.

*We value the whole athlete in regards to body, mind and spirit and will help each member reach goals never deemed possible.

*We value kindness displayed towards our members and will greet every member in the classes with a genuine attitude.

*We value fairness and equality and will, regardless of ability, train each member with exceptional practices during our classes.

*We value an optimistic spirit and will motivate and encourage the members in our classes and online when necessary.

CrossFit Unstoppable Vision

The vision for CFU is to help people in the Jefferson City community to improve their health and well-being in relationship to fitness and nutrition and to create relationships built on trust, kindness, and optimism in a like-minded community.

We are not just a typical gym, we are family and we care about your success! We offer personal training, group classes, teens classes, boot camp classes, nutrition coaching, online training, specialty programs and volleyball training.

If you would like to experience what CrossFit Unstoppable is about, book a Free Intro so we can help YOU! Book Here!

Have a great Friday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! ๐Ÿ™‚


Couch To 5K + Core Program

New Program!!

Couch To 5K + Core!!

Starts February 21st!

Available locally, online and anywhere in the world! Each week there will be a workout template including your running/walking and core exercises. We will also have accountability with this program!

If you want to get better at running OR start a running program, this is for you!


We would love to have you join us!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Fall Forward…

Don’t Look Back

(Inspired by a motivational video I watched/listened to this morning…Think of how you start your day; get yourself in the right mindset in order to set yourself up for SUCCESS!)

-You can’t keep falling down and staying down-how will you EVER get to where you want to be??

-You are responsible for your actions – it’s not someone else’s fault; stop blaming others for your failures…

-Nothing is impossible, you just need to believe in what you are trying to accomplish – the word impossible should actually be I’m-Possible!!

-Set yourself up to win the day – find small wins you can celebrate – these small wins will allow you to keep moving forward to your goals!

-Roadblocks will happen, but you must remain stronger than those excuses that will come up! No Excuses!

-Remember where you want to be for you! Don’t try to make others happy before making yourself happy – Love yourself enough to do what’s best for YOU!

-Own your future and keep falling forward towards your goals – one step after the other!

-You are WORTH it!

Have a great Friday Eve!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Motivation Monday

So I realized at about 8:30 this evening that I should have posted this earlier this morning to maybe to help some of you with motivation…heck, to help me! ๐Ÿ™‚

I find that my brain isn’t as foggy in the morning and the ol thoughts are clearer which gets to one of my points of today. I posted on our IG and FB the first day of our Stress Manangement/Wellness Challenge (of sorts). The first thing you should do is take a “mindful minute” or two…I lasted for 2 whole minutes this morning. Turn on the timer for the minute to start with and just focus on your breaths and try not to let your mind wander. (I’m a total squirrel with my thoughts-you don’t even want to know! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) The reason to do this at the beginning of the day is to start our day off with some stillness and a chance to just focus on you. During the day when you find yourself overwhelmed, you can also make this a practice of just sitting still and focusing on your breaths to help in the stress release.

Go and follow CrossFit Unstoppable on Facebook or Instagram; I’ll be posting one per day during the week (no wkds) for 21 days. Hopefully some of the things will resonate with you and some good will come out of it!

So back to motivation…I will definitely be motivated to get something pertinent written out before 9pm tomorrow! Hopefully sooner because it was a longggggg Monday-anyone else? What kept you going today? Yesterday I posted about things that could make your day better…did you get up earlier…meditate in some way…have a plan to win the day…move your body…journal about gratitude or your fitness/nutrition…do something new…help someone…Did you smile a little more? This morning at the 8:30 class I was in the mobility area stretching and Becky noticed that there was a smiley face sticker on the back of my shirt; came off of my water bottle. I did mention that part of my day was to smile more and I just wanted everyone else to share smiles as well…did you ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

I was motivated today by the athletes in that 8:30 class along with Coach Christine ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh, and motivated by some numbers on the board. Today we had a ME (max effort) workout and it’s always hard to be the first group to do the workout so I was just chasing a couple people this morning and I happened to find a little bit more fuel to light a fire under my rear to reach that magic number. The members of the gym motivate me every day; to be the best possible person, coach and friend. I hope I do the same for them.

My family first and foremost motivate me because I want to be healthy and strong for them as I get up in the years. I’ve always said that I want to strong and fit enough to where I can take care of myself and won’t have to rely on others for assistance.

You motivate me…I may not know who is reading this stuff, but hopefully I’m putting out little bits and pieces of helpful information to help you even a little bit! I want to do what’s best for my family and the community as a whole. We need to be healthy and fit and if we work together and apply what we learn, we will be much better off!

So, take this and let it motivate you to be better than yesterday all week long! I’m rooting for you! Have a great week (and get some sleep! zzz)

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


CrossFit Unstoppable

Why We’re Different…

  • Community…at CFU, everyone knows your name. We workout together, we laugh together, we hang out together and we live life together! We have a common bond where many of us have made life-long friends because of the camaraderie ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Coaching…at CFU, we have certified trainers to lead you through the classes…to help you with your form…to offer suggestions for modified lifts and movements…to encourage you to do something that you didn’t think was possible! Our coaches are top-notch!
  • Variety…at CFU, every day is different and you are not repeating movements on a daily basis to cause injury. We offer at least 2 workout options per day along with a variety of challenges during the course of the month/year. With all of the variety, it’s impossible to get bored!
  • Equipment…at CFU, our equipment is pretty basic; no weird machines to get trapped in and all of the movements involve functional fitness! Whether it be dumbbells, kettlebells, boxes, or bikes, our equipment will help you reach your goals!
  • Progress Tracking…at CFU, we provide a fitness tracking app (SugarWOD) to track workouts and PR’s. With this app, members can provide encouragement to other members and this helps to motivate each other with our progress!
  • Nutrition Guidance…at CFU, we offer nutrition coaching as well as publish information about the importance of the food/drink that we consume. We run nutrition challenges throughout the year to try and help members reach their goals faster. (You do not need to be a member of CFU in order to obtain our nutrition services. Click HERE if you are interested in our nutrition coaching!)
  • CrossFit Lingo…at CFU, we have our own language…what is a WOD? (workout of the day)…EMOM?? Say what? Every minute on the minute you will perform a certain movement…And what the heck is an AMRAP? As many rounds/reps as possible! All of these terms help make the workouts more “fun” and different!

The bottom line is…CFU is a fun atmosphere where you can do a bunch of crazy things while having fun with friends in order to reach your goals! It’s a WIN-WIN situation! If you are interested in changing up your routine and reaching your goals faster, book a free No Sweat Intro so we can come up with a plan for YOU! Because you deserve the BEST!

Have a great weekend!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Transformation Tuesday

Michelle Trupiano

12 Weeks!

I am so proud of this lady! When she first walked through the CFU doors, she really didn’t know what to expect and she kept asking if she could really do CrossFit. Yes, Michelle…You CAN! And look what she says about her past 3 months at CFU…

โ€œThis is long and both a brag and a thank youโ€ฆ

3 months ago I was the heaviest Iโ€™ve ever been outside of being pregnant. 

It wasnโ€™t so much the number on the scale that bothered me but that fact that I was lethargic all the time, my clothes didnโ€™t fit, and I was being controlled by my addiction to sugar. 

I had been telling myself for months that I needed to make a change but one day would pass into the next and I couldnโ€™t muster the motivation. 

One day I was scrolling through FB and an ad popped up for CFU. Not sure what it was but something “clicked” that this was it. 

In less than 3 minutes I was signed up for a consultation and it has been the best split second decision I have ever made. 

The first few workouts I had lots of WTF have I gotten myself into thoughts (honestly, I still have lots of those thoughts) but I stuck with it, even in quarantine, and in 3 months I have lost 16 lbs and 10% body fat, but more importantly I have energy for the people and things I love.

 I still have a ton of goals to achieve, like maybe one day in the future (far, far, away) being able to do a HSPU, or lift more than 60 #โ€™s, or hang from the rig for more than 15 seconds, but for now, I truly feel Unstoppable. 

Big thanks to Debbie for all that she does day in and day out to motivate all of us and to all the coaches, especially the D&E coaches โ€“ David, Haley and Aaron โ€“ for always being patient as you show me once again the correct way to do something and always pushing me to do a little more than I think I am capable of. 

And thanks to all the members for always cheering me on. I didnโ€™t know that CFU was what I needed but I am so glad I walked through the doors!โ€

Michelle, we will help you reach your goals…just keep showing up and doing the work! Your hard work and dedication is definitely paying off!

If you would like to achieve similar goals, book a No Sweat Intro with us and we will help you get there! Happy Tuesday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Why We’re a CrossFit Gym…6.28.20

Why CrossFit?? Read below on why Unstoppable is a CrossFit gym.

Iย founded CrossFit Unstoppable in October of 2011 with our first WOD being on 11/28/11. In 2010, I found CrossFit for myself because a friend introduced me to it.

I was intrigued how a combination of exercises in a short duration of time could get me results so I set out to see what it could do for me!

I haven’t looked back since; I began my 5 session foundations at CrossFit United in Columbia, MO and then proceeded to attend classes as much as I could from August 2010 – March 2011 (when I decided to obtain my Level 1 certification).

CrossFit in 2010 wasnโ€™t quite the same CrossFit you see on TV now. I did become addicted to watching the Games that year through streaming on the internet…It was crazy exciting! Back then, CrossFit was just coming into the “limelight” and it was starting to be a craze! I think the whole factor of the mixing up the movements on the daily and things being different is what appealed to people the most, especially myself! The whole CrossFit movement felt right; get fit and have FUN at the same time! It was like a whole new ballgame every day and we set out to compete against ourselves on a daily basis. Thatโ€™s still the CrossFit we practice at Unstoppable: We take what works and and keep working on what makes us better.

When we opened up in 2011, there were maybe 5,000 affiliates in the world; now there are over 15,000! Why? Because the program WORKS and it’s FUN! Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this?? Plus, I’ve found some of my best friends through CrossFit! ๐Ÿ™‚

With the growth of CrossFit there has come a lot of diversity. Our gym is a community of like-minded individuals who want to get fit and have fun. We do not judge based on your size, your gender or race and we consider everyone as family when you walk into our doors.

Every year at CrossFit Unstoppable, we do the CrossFit Open. Worldwide, the Open is the first stage of qualification for the CrossFit Games. But we make it fun, have theme nights and after parties following each night. It’s a great way to test our strengths (and weaknesses) against the best in the world!

Sometimes, members of the CFU family like to do competitions which helps bring our community togethere as well. I’ve done a few too and it’s fun to test your fitness with like-minded individuals. However at my young age of 52, I might be hanging it up and just “compete” amongst friends at the gym and support those who go on to compete in the bigger competitions ๐Ÿ™‚

Another area of diversity in the CrossFit community is workout design. Before CrossFit, I was stuck with 3 days of weight training and 3 days of cardio…3 sets of 12 reps of DB flyes, tricep extensions, curls, etc… B-O-R-I-N-G! I’m happy to say that our “programming” of workouts make things a whole lot more interesting than your typical gym. We want people to be excited to test their fitness especially on a new movement or maybe get a better score than the last time they completed that workout.

CFU is a little different in their programming in that we provide at least 2 workouts (WOD’s) per day for athletes to choose from; as stated before we do not judge people based on anything they do and we understand that everyone has different goals. If someone wants to do a more intense cardio workout then he/she may choose our Endurance WOD or FitWOD for the day. Choices are what sets CrossFit Unstoppable apart from other gyms and I believe that our athletes are better for it!

I always point out to the athletes that if the workouts were easy, then everyone would be doing it! Can anyone do CrossFit? Yes! My 73 year old Dad and 74 year old Aunt are a part of my “Masters” class. They do similar workouts, just not at the weights or intensity of our regular classes…So YES, YOU CAN!

Our trainers do not expect perfect form and movement, but they will coach you to help you become better than yesterday! We just want our athletes to show up on a regular basis so they can get better and reach their goals. We challenge our athletes daily and we only want the best for them!

I love being a CrossFit gym. Weโ€™re now in our 9th year as a CrossFit affiliate and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I’ve dropped into other CF gyms around the country and while they have the same “community feel” nothing beats having your own CrossFit family waiting for you back home.

Most people at CrossFit Unstoppable do group classes but we also offer 1:1 services. Either way you choose, we just want to help change your life! ย Start with a free, intro visit by booking here >> Let’s Do This!

We Want To Help YOU!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!

*Inspiration provided by Chris Cooper at

Michelle who helped me discover CrossFit – March of 2012 ๐Ÿ™‚

Fitness Goals – Shrink the Size of your BUT…

2020 was going to be THE year! I just knew it, my members knew it and everyone was ready to get started on new goals! The atmosphere at the gym was amazing…record number of check-ins and everyone making changes in their nutrition. We are nearly half way through 2020, so how are those fitness goals going now?

If your goal was to lose weight in 2020, how are you doing? Are you making headway? What is stopping you from reaching that goal? 

Many times when we start new fitness and nutrition goals or plans, we do really well for the first few weeks and then we get a little bit too comfortable and our minds start to play tricks on us. We may take a few extra bites of dessert, stop logging our food, or even miss a workout or two because we think weโ€™ve got this goal made! You may also find that you end up using the word BUT more, which hinders your progress…Take these examples for instance: 

  • Iโ€™ve lost 10 pounds already, BUT I hate logging ALL of my food; itโ€™s too time consuming!
  • Iโ€™m eating healthier and making better decisions, BUT I hate meal prepping on the weekend! 

Once youโ€™ve made one of your short-term goals, that is when you really need to dig deep and focus on your mindset…This is an important step to eventually reaching that long-term goal. Focus on the things that you are saying to yourself especially if you use the word BUT a lot and turn things around! Remember your WHY and the reason you are trying so hard to reach your goals – focus on shrinking the BUT in your life! Here are some statements that you can utilize instead: 

  • I know that health conditions run in my family and I want to stop the cycle so logging my food and exercising daily will increase my chances of success. I want to be better for me and my family!
  • I know that a couple hours on the weekend of meal prepping will help me with the craziness of my week and will take the guesswork out of what to eat. It will save me time and money in the long run AND will get me closer to my goals! 

So if you want to reach your long term goals faster, you MUST shrink the size of your BUT! ๐Ÿ˜‰ย If you would like some extra help, reach out and we can help!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed

*thanks to Joanna from CF AllKine for the inspiration for this post ๐Ÿ™‚


Wednesday 6.24.20

Wednesday Wisdom

What if…

What if you started cutting out excess sugar from your diet?

What if you walked a 1/2 mile every day (about 8 minutes)?

What if you reached out to a friend who you haven’t spoke to for awhile to see how she/he is holding up?

What if you read for 15 minutes per day?

What if you wrote down 5 things that you are grateful for every day?

What if you surprised your loved ones with lunch one day?

What if you donated 10 pieces of clothing to charity?

What if you turned off your phone for 2 hours per day and focused solely on you or your family (sleeping doesn’t count! ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

What if you meal prepped on Sundays and Wednesdays during the week?

What if you prayed for someone without them knowing it for a solid month?

What if you smiled to every person you came in contact with on a daily basis?

What if you said “Have a great day” to everyone?

What if everyone who reads this would just do 2-3 of these things daily? Imagine what kind of world we would live in if everyone would practice these sorts of things, especially those that don’t involve money, just decent human being actions! Smiles do not cost a cent! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Smiles and attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?

Earlier today, it was announced that CrossFit was being sold and there was a Zoom call with the new owner. Part of the conversation dealt with what changes would be made; yes, the overall persona of CF needs to change, but what he emphasized was that each gym’s culture should not change…You should still walk into your box and that should bring a sense of happiness, a sense of family and a sense of belonging to something greater.

I always want my members to come into CFU and have the BEST hour of their day (or more than that if they stay after to chat which many do!). Our gym culture is unlike anything I’ve experienced before and that’s why I love it so much!

What if you came in and tried a class to experience what we experience day in and day out…You are welcome any time!


My Story…

How did CFU come about?

Let’s go back to 2009, well I’ll take you there anyway. I was teaching PE and coaching at Trinity Lutheran School; had been teaching or coaching in some fashion since graduating college in 1990 (yep, I’m THAT old!) During all of that time, I had 3 wonderful kids and was losing myself. I’m sure all the moms out there know what I’m talking about.

The first week of December I found myself depressed, lacking energy and not at all happy with my body or how I felt about myself. I knew it was time for a change. So I went back to a method that I knew worked and logged onto the Body for Life Community group online. There I met hundreds of like-minded individuals who were all wanting to change their bodies and minds.

I went into this venture weighing 215 and about 42% body fat; I was thoroughly disgusted with myself and I NEEDED to get back to the real me again. Having been an athlete all my life, I knew what needed to be done, but didn’t have the accountability or discipline to get it done. This is where the group came in…we’d log on in the mornings and chime in with the workouts/nutrition that were planned for our day. We even named the group “The Coffee Crew” ๐Ÿ™‚

Fast forward 12 weeks (the length of the “challenge”) and I was down about 15# and several inches! Feeling better but not quite there so I did another 12 weeks and started running and with that entered my first 5K! I think the attention to nutrition and the running really helped with my results that go around because I was down another 18# and felt STRONG! At this point I was leaner but not quite to where I wanted to be so a 3rd challenge was started. I was starting to lose motivation because the same monotonous exercises and cardio was wearing on me. Then an online friend mentioned that she was going to try this new type of fitness, CrossFit. I had never heard of it…

So I googled it and saw that there was a CrossFit Kids program! Cool, I could use it for my PE kids! Then my friend, Michelle challenged me to one of the workouts; I think it was deadlifts and burpees. She gave me her time to beat and being the competitive person that I am, set out to beat her…Well, that workout crushed me but that’s when I fell in love with CrossFit. (I beat her score by the way ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) So during this time of doing the mainsite workouts and some workouts she gave me from the gym she was going to I decided to see if there were any CF gyms around me. At the time, July 2010 there was one in St. Louis that was offering a foundations to CrossFit to where I could get started. I went to register one weekend and something held me back. The following week, CrossFit United in Columbia, MO popped up on the map and I scheduled my first CrossFit experience!

I was HOOKED…here I was teaching and coaching in Jefferson City then driving 45 minutes to a CrossFit class 2-3 times a week! I continued with the CF and running and finished the last 12 week challenge losing another 20# and dropping to 15.1% body fat. By far the best results and I finally felt comfortable in my own skin. In October of 2010, some of the Coffee Crew from that online group got together in Nashville and Michelle and I toyed around with going to get our Level 1 certifications. I really only wanted it so I could use the name of CrossFit for my kids in PE; I never dreamed that I would soon own a business.

So Michelle and I registered for our certs, mine in March 2011 and hers April 2011. Once I received my certification I did incorporated CFKids workouts with my PE kids, but then people (especially moms) started asking what I was doing to lose the weight and look so healthy. Then I told them the story and that’s where Mid-MO Fitness was born. I was running some boot camps in the early morning and one in the evening. During the summer we would have off site random meetings of “Fun” and after reading more into the affiliation process and presenting it to my bootcampers, I decided to apply for affiliation to own my own affiliate. Never in a million years did I think I could run a business. But nine years later, here we are…We are Mid-MO Fitness dba CrossFit Unstoppable; Wow, what a ride it has been!

The business was started because people asked me how I could help them. I’m in the business of helping people, I want people to succeed, I want people to feel good about themselves and their bodies, I want people to be role models for their children, I want people to be around for their grandkids, I want people to be healthier and happier, and last but not least, I want people to strive every day to be Better Than Yesterday!

This endeavor has ALWAYS been about the people and the community and will continue to be so. My mission is to make our world healthier and happier one day, one workout and one rep at a time.

If you would like some help, reach out…I’m here for EVERYONE! ๐Ÿ™‚

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!

Michelle and I in Nashville! ๐Ÿ™‚