
Tuesday Thoughts…

Sunday I had my 53rd birthday…holy smokes, where did that come from?? See, in my mind I think I’m still in my 30’s (although my body doesn’t agree some days ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). Your mindset is soooo powerful in how your perceive your life to be.

If you have the wrong attitude about things going on your life, like “I’m never going to be able to get out of debt…”, “I’m never going to be able to lose weight…”, or “I’m never going to be able to find my dream job…” Chances are, you never will!

You can’t wait for the perfect moment to start something because life is never perfect, things might be good, but it’s never perfect. It takes baby steps in order for you to start something and one needs to realize anything that is a daunting task will be a marathon and not a sprint.

We tell our fitness and nutrition clients NOT to expect drastic weight loss overnight or even in 30 days because we want them to establish healthy habits in order to succeed. Think about all of the gimmicks out there where you can lose 10# in 10 days…how healthy do you think that is? Or “drink this drink for 30 days and watch the scale plummet!”…these things are not teaching you how to eat a balanced diet.

This is just my opinion, but whatever is natural should be the things that should be consumed. If it wasn’t made by God and from the earth, then most likely it isn’t good for your body. Now don’t get me wrong, I will consume things here and there that are not natural, but I have a good sense of how to eat. (Even though sometimes I indulge…but that’s okay because that is life!)

The important thing to remember here is that there will be ups and downs in one’s fitness/health journey, but if you know how to get back on track and WANT to get back on track, then there are ways to get there! Reach out if you would like to set up a FREE consult to figure out how to get back on track with your wellness journey! Book a FREE INTRO today so we can help! ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a Great Tuesday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Never Miss a Monday!

You may see this saying quite often especially on social media platforms with the #nevermissamonday (heck we use it!) But why shouldn’t you miss a Monday when it comes to working out?? You’ve had a nice relaxed weekend and working out is probably the last thing you want to do…Here’s some reasons that you should!

  1. Youโ€™re more likely to work out the rest of the week. Getting in the gym on a Monday is like having a clean slate and you’ll more likely workout the rest of the week!
  2. Youโ€™ll smile more. ๐Ÿ™‚ Who doesn’t want to smile more?? Exercise naturally increase your endorphins which makes you happier…so MOVE and ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Youโ€™ll subside anxious thoughts. Do you have anxiety issues? I do and exercise is the best medicine for treatment for me. It helps relieve the panicky feelings I have sometimes and helps me make it through the rest of the day.
  4. Youโ€™ll kickstart good self-control. Working out on a Monday will help with other things in your life, like your nutrition or drinking enough water. Who wants to waste a good workout with a quarter pounder with chees and a side of fries? (Don’t answer that ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) But seriously, if I’m putting in the work in the gym, I don’t want to ruin it in the “kitchen”!
  5. Youโ€™ll catch better zzzโ€™s. It’s true! I used to get maybe5-6 hours of sleep, but with some extra cardio along with the workouts, I’ve been getting a solid 8! Muscles are repaired at night and they need that recovery time to help you succeed. So go workout so you can rest easy tonight!
  6. Youโ€™ll boost brainpower. Boom! Go for a walk to help with that brainpower! The nerve cells react and helps people take on their tasks much better than just sitting around. Set an alarm on your phone if you’re behind a desk all day to just get up and move around for 5 minutes. Do this several times a day and see how much your thinking improves.
  7. You might make more money. Say what?? Studies show that regular exercisers make 9% more than their couch potato friends!

So who’s going to go exercise today?? We’ve already had 22 at our gym this morning and I’m getting set to hit the mats at 8:30…when will you workout today? Never miss a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…. You get my point! Have a great day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Stressed Out??

Who doesn’t deal with some sort of stress in their lives?? It could be family, your kids, their homework, your job, your pets tearing up the place, not having laundry detergent when you go to do the laundry, forgetting to pack your clothes for the gym when you have every intention to workout…and the list can go on and I KNOW you all know what I’m talking about!

Yesterday I listened to a podcast regarding mental health and stress management. The biggest take away (and I already know this but it’s so hard to do sometimes!) is to focus on what you CAN control and to set yourself up for success. The only thing I really can control is how I react to a certain situation.

Here are five tips on how to manage your stress in the first place (and managing your stress leads to a healthier mindset!)

  1. Get enough sleep…do not watch the news or have electronics at least 30min before bed. An hour if you can handle it. I used to always stay up and watch the weather for the next day – it was a habit; and what comes before the weather? ALL the news! And what is normally at the forefront of the news-the BAD news…things that will make you angry, sad and depressed so who wants to feel like that before you go to bed OR during the day?? Not me! So schedule your time wisely and catch those zzzz’s!
  2. Get on a schedule! Don’t be running around by the seat of your pants all of the time! Dial it in and then life should run a bit smoother for you. Get up one hour earlier and get 3 main tasks done and you should have a big “W” for the day! I’m already getting one of my tasks done by writing this little blog ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. EXERCISE!! I’ve added a 30min walk to my daily habits to help me just destress and do nothing but walk. I’m only on day 3 but I can tell it is going to help me…I also try to schedule in workouts 5 times a week where I’m strength training and doing a CrossFit workout. Good for the heart, bones, muscles and mind!
  4. Practice Gratitude! What/Who are you thankful for? Tell them! Surprise someone with a text or phone call and tell them that you are grateful for them. Two people will have smiles on their face for sure! Make it a daily habit and I guarantee you will have more joy in your life!
  5. Dial in your nutrition! If you eat crap, you’re going to feel like crap! Start off with a healthy breakfast; it doesn’t have to be a “typical breakfast”, it could be an Oikos yogurt, peanut butter toast, a smoothie…anything to get your metabolism going so you have energy for your day. Try it, you might like the way it makes you feel!

Remember, you don’t have to focus on ALL of these at once…start small and go from there. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit stick so let’s see what we can do in the next 21 days, shall we?? Pretty sure if we can make even one of the above happen, we can reduce our stress in our lives! Who’s with me??

Have a Great Wednesday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Bright Spots…

Sometimes (well, all of the time) we need to look for the bright spots in our lives and not focus on what we don’t have or what we can’t do.

Yesterday a friend posted about her son, DIL and two grandsons being rescued from the hurricane. They were trapped in their flooded and luckily got rescued. Now one could think about the total loss that they have endured with their house, but the bright spot is that everyone is SAFE and ALIVE! Thank goodness. I could not imagine being a young couple with young kids going through all of that.

I like for our members to focus on the bright spots in their life no matter how minimal it may seem. Hot coffee, bright sunshine, a car to drive to work, my spouse, my kids, my daughter’s birthday today, ability to workout, and the list can go on! So when you are having a bad day, remember your bright spots and know that someone else might be considering YOU their bright spot!

Make it a BRIGHT and HAPPY day! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



#tbt to some “wisdom” I posted a couple of years ago…maybe you’re feeling like this…maybe you need a little discipline in your life…hope this helps(it’s kinda long ???? stay awake????)

Normally I just post these to the CFU Facebook page, but I felt the need to put this one out there for all to seeโ€ฆso many of us struggle with discipline when it comes to taking care of our bodies.

This FCA devotion comes at a great time in my opinion because Iโ€™ve heard rumblings about how people need to get back on track and need a kick in the pantsโ€ฆ

Bottom line here folks is that YOU need to develop the discipline, YOU need to do the work, YOU must want IT (whatever IT is) more than you want the junk food, alcohol, and sitting on your rear.

No one else can do that for youโ€ฆHereโ€™s a question, have you prayed about your predicament?

Make YOU a priority AND prayer a priority and He will help you out! ????Happy reading!

I look forward to seeing more discipline around CFU! ????

A Victorious Life

โ€œNo discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.โ€ -Hebrews 12:11

Whenever I have an upcoming race, especially a marathon, I spend a lot of time training. People often ask me, โ€œWhere do you find the time?โ€ But I think the real question on their minds is, โ€œWhy are you CHOOSING to spend your time doing that?โ€

When I began running marathons in 2009 my life and my pursuits were out of balance. I knew the training process would instill characteristics such as discipline, accountability and goal-setting. What I later realized was that running would also allow me plenty of time alone with my thoughts and time alone with God. Now I no longer have to justify my reason for doing marathons. People realize it has changed me for the better.

Many people today want results without the work. As athletes and coaches, we know that there are no shortcuts to victory. We canโ€™t just hope for it. We canโ€™t wish it our way. We have to choose to work for it. And we see this in our lives as Christians as well.

Time after time we find that the road to victory is paved with the series of important choices we make every day. Choices like the ones to be in close fellowship with God (Nehemiah 8:10), to take care of our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19), to use our words wisely (Luke 6:45) and to keep positive material in front of and around us (Philippians 4:8).

A victorious life is intentional. As a Christian athlete, I have implemented steps to help me compete and live for Christ and to stay on the path to victory.

Remove yourself from noise and distractions so you can talk to God and hear from Him. Spend time in Godโ€™s Word, prayer and worship. Evaluate how you are currently spending your time and examine the relationships in your life. If you see areas that need to change, create an action plan.

Write down your goals and the steps to achieving each one. Recognize and prepare for obstacles to your goals. Find someone you trust to keep you accountable. Build relationships with people of character who can assist you on your journey such as a mentor, coach or personal trainer. Access inspirational/educational material through the Internet, library, church or gym. As athletes and coaches, we know what it takes to train. Let that mindset help you as you train for godliness.

Have an awesome day! ????

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


No Time to Workout?

Hogwash…that’s an expression my grandma always used when the truth wasn’t being told. So I think it’s a bunch of hogwash when people tell me they don’t have time to workout! YOU are worth 2% of your day…do you know how long 2% is?? It’s 30 minutes!!

You mean to tell me that you can’t set aside 30-60 minutes out of 1,440?? The American Heart Association recommends that people should exercise at least 60 minutes per day in order to fight off heart disease. Look at your lifestyle and be truthful, are you doing what is needed to keep your heart healthy? Are you exercising, eating healthy, staying away from tobacco, and limiting sodium in your diet?

As some of you know, I used to teach PE and I loved having the kids play games that actually taught them something…one particular game is called “Heart Attack Tag” – we had four taggers who each represented a risk factor for the possibility of having a heart attack – too much salt, lack of exercise, junk food and smoking. If you got tagged the first time, you would cross your arm across your chest and it meant you were 25% likely to have a heart attack; get tagged a 2nd time then both arms across your chest (50% likely for an attack). If a player got tagged a 3rd time (75% chance of an attack), then the player would lie on the floor and wait for a “Dr./ambulance” to come help. In order to get back in, the Dr. prescribed “exercise”, usually 5 jumping jacks. Have you ever tried to run around with both arms across your chest?? It’s hard! Think of how hard your heart has to work when proper care isn’t present…if it’s clogged with “junk” then it’s not going to work right.

Do you realize what the number one cause of deaths are in America? It’s heart disease…so don’t you think it’s time to put your heart first? Even if it’s just 2% of your day, you can begin somewhere and help reduce the chances to develop heart disease and other illnesses.

If you aren’t sure where to start, book an appointment with me and we can work something out! We have in person AND online options available to get you started towards a healthier YOU! Book HERE!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!