

Do you have a testimonial like the following that you could share on the website? You can sign your name or you can remain anonymous…If so send to me at drosslan@hotmail.com or crossfitunstoppable@gmail.com

Would LOVE to hear how CrossFit Unstoppable has changed your life!

“Ok here it goes. I completed my 2 weeks of BT the second week of August. So that means this is week 5 of playing with the big dogs. First week we did our 1RM for bench press and mine was a pitiful 85. Four weeks later that 1RM is 110. When I first started I could not throw the medicine ball to the line we were supposed to and last week I did that 150 times in just over 10 minutes. When I first started I could barely swing the 20lb KB and now I do the 35lb KB. I can touch toes to bar from the hanging bars and I can do push ups again. I have more energy, more strength and I’m doing more and more with less scaling. Next goal climb the rope. Don’t worry I will do that too! I am 41 years old with bad knees, a bad shoulder and asthma but that hasn’t stopped me. My knees don’t ache and neither does my shoulder. I don’t get out of bed feeling like an old lady anymore. I love what this place has done for me and I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish in 6 more months.”


Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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