Thursday, 01.09.14

“No matter how slow you go remember that you’re lapping that person who is sitting on the couch!”

Heard some comments today relating to “but my score is bad”, “I feel like I’m not doing as much when I scale”…Folks, there’s a reason why people need to scale AND everyone needs a starting point. What matters is that you consistently make it to the box and do the work! No work, no results! Remember that! 🙂

I’ve posted a sign up for the 2014 CF Games Open and very pleased to see so many people sign up so far! 😉
These names were based on last year and from people who have been talking about it so if I missed your name or if you don’t wish to have some fun, let me know. Also we will be having a scaled division for fun.ore than likely with my shoulder I will not be able to compete but will try the scaled, so who’s with me?!?

Still have some hoodies left…newbies, need some CFU gear? Let me know!

Have an awesome day!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!



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