If you all see Chris Wilson today, wish him a Happy Birthday! He’s still young! 😉
If you didn’t see the pull-up post below, check it out…by the beginning of May, I’m sure we will have some people doing some pull-ups! I’m excited for everyone! I and a couple other gals started this morning…do a “pre-test” to see how high you can make it to the bar without flailing your legs or kipping…then start the program next week or this week if you’d like. Re-test every two weeks to monitor your progress. This is strictly voluntary and is to be done outside of class (would work best right after class; if you can function!). Good Luck!!
There will also be an April challenge coming up so be looking for that as well. Looking forward to everyone working towards being better than yesterday!!
SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have ANY type of shoe that is just sitting around in your closet and you don’t wear them anymore, bring them to the box for our “Shoes for Spring” drive…I had a goal of 50 prs and I believe we are there, so the next goal is 100 pairs. All of the shoes are going to be donated to a local charity-Hope for Caribbean Kids. The collection of ANY type of shoes will go on through the month of March. (just no holes or dirty shoes).
A big welcome to our newest members from our CF101 class-Nick, Hannah, Robyn, Jim, and Don! If you see a new face in class, make sure you introduce yourself! 🙂
Belinda’s Birthday Party Friday night…After 14.3! We will be ordering Arris’ Pizza so if you want in on the pizza, let Coach know as soon as possible so we know how much to order. We’ll put our $$ together and get it the pizza Friday evening; also BYOB and other snacks if you want to. Big VOLLEYBALL match is in store, so come one come all!! 🙂 Going to be a great time! 🙂
Happy Thursday!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!