Thursday, 04.02.15


Excellent job today on Kalsu everyone! Loved seeing everyone pushing through!

Thursday there will be an 8:30am class! All other classes will remain as scheduled.

Just a heads up on the 6:30pm classes…we need to have consistent attendance in order to keep the class. So you know who you are…start getting to the box! 

Saturday there will be STRONGMAN (ladies are included as well) at 7:30am! Come try out some of the new equipment! 

EMOM 10-Odd-15 straight leg situps/Even-15 Supermans 10 min Suck Bucket Work

10min AMRAP
100m Run
10 Push-ups
10 V-ups
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

30min AMRAP – 400m Row – 5 pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Squats – 400m Run

Advanced WOD
AMRAP 20: 75 WB (20/14) * 60 Box Jumps (24/20) *45 C2B *30 Pwr Cln (135/95) *15 MU

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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