Thursday, 05.01.14


Happy May Day! Can you believe a third of the year has gone by already?? Good grief!

Couple things…MAYDAY Challenge-there is a Facebook group that you were added to; partners and details are on the post. If you don’t know your partner, contact them through Facebook.

Flag Football Gals (we could use some more bodies ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) we are having practice at CFU on Sunday from 4-5pm. We are also going to brainstorm some fundraising ideas. Bring your thinking caps!

New T-shirts…A pre-order form will be posted on Thursday; there will be a design posted as well. The shirts will be the softer cotton and the price will be between $10-12 depending on the number of orders. We are also working on the “WOD then WINE” tank for the ladies…should be done by Friday. ๐Ÿ™‚

Doubleunder Clinic-we need about 9 more people to sign up to make this happen. Saturday, June 14th from 2:30-4:30. See the link in the post earlier this week.

Runners/Drivers: please watch out for yourselves and be aware that there will be moving vehicles; drivers, watch out for moving bodies! ๐Ÿ™‚

TECies-AWESOME turnout this evening—->12 STRONG!! Better Than Yesterday!!

Stay Strong everyone, You’re doing great!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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