Thursday, 07.17.14

It was great seeing everyone show up to conquer this running WOD! And I loved pushing each and every one of you in my classes! I was asked about the time of someone’s score bc she wasn’t sure if it was good or not…think about this (and this is why we add rest times); you take out the 9 minutes of rest and there is your time for 2000m-that’s a mile and a 1/4! My mile time isn’t even that good…this type of workout makes you work harder and faster! Remember there is a method to the madness! 😉

Keep up the great work, the hard work WILL pay off!!

If some of you didn’t catch the earlier message, Saturday’s class will be at 8am and there will be NO OPEN gym! So rise and shine early if you want to WOD!

Don’t forget: Pool Party Friday, July 25th 7:30-9
CF Games Watch Party, Sunday, July 27th following the 3pm WOD @ Fred and Sarah’s house.
Hope there are LOTS of you at both events!!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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