Thursday, 08.07.14


“I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.”~Florence Nightingale

Excuses…Everyone has them…In my line of work, I hear them all of the time so forgive me if sometimes I shrug off your excuse about your frequency at the box, your performance during the WOD(how’s your water intake, food intake, rest cycle?), the way you feel (see the previous (ย  ) )…YOU are the only person who can change YOU. Bottom line is You vs. You…so what are YOU going to do about YOU? Do not look to anyone else for the answers; find it within YOU do do better, be better, and act better for a Better Tomorrow! Remember the quote: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present—that’s why it’s a Gift” Do all you can with TODAY so your Tomorrow’s will be Better!

Better Than Yesterday!!

If you all have liked CrossFit Unstoppable on Facebook (and are my friend ๐Ÿ™‚ ) you probably saw that CFU has been nominated for Best Gym in Mid-MO! What an honor, BUT in order to place or finish first, we need VOTES! You can vote daily at VOTE FOR CFU!

Along the same lines, CFU was nominated for Small Business of the Year! I received the email earlier this year and there is an application process that needs to be gone through, but just to be recognized for these things makes my heart happy! Getting the word out that CrossFit Unstoppable is here in town to help ages 3-76 is my number one priority…Lots of people still do not know what CrossFit is (even though it’s pretty much all we talk about!) so help spread the word…the next 3 Saturdays we will have “Bring a Friend” Saturdays where you can bring a friend or two and introduce them to CrossFit, CFU style! Let’s show the community what we are all about! ๐Ÿ™‚

Did you all see the August Athletes of the Month post?? Congratulate those 5 if you see them! ๐Ÿ™‚

A little head’s up if you missed it; we are planning CFU’s First Annual WODtoberFest on Saturday, Oct. 18th…the comp is a team competition with teams consisting of 2 males or 2 females…we will have Rx, Scaled, Modified and Kids (Teens and CFKids). We will be announcing the comp on Aug. 15th with registration beginning on Aug. 18th. We will have a pre-registration for all CFU members in the event you would like to participate….In order to make this a successful event, we are going to need LOTS of Volunteers…We will be assigning shifts throughout the day for those who are available…We have about 100 members; wouldn’t it be AMAZING if every single member could be involved in this Competition in one way or the other?? So SAVE THE DATE-10/18 (comp will run from 8am-4pm; party to follow ๐Ÿ™‚ )

Be looking for a volunteer sign-up board!

Happy Friday Eve!!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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