Thursday, 10.16.14

Those who are volunteering for the competition, your shirt is on the table in the mobility area. Judges and Volunteers are being asked to be at the box at 6:30am on Saturday morning in order to prep for the competition; athletes will arrive between 7-7:45am.
We will be setting up everything the night before if you need something to do 🙂

Needless to say, there will be NO WOD on Saturday…come watch some amazing athletes compete including 12 of CFU’s athletes!

Push Press 4×3 @ 70,75,80%
Advanced:4x 1 Clean+3 Push Press@70,75,80%

“CrossFit Endurance Total”
Run 200m –Rest 2 minutes
Run 400m-Rest 3 minutes
Run 800m-Rest 4 minutes
Run 1600m-
*Record each time then TOTAL time including rest
**Do NOT cherry pick this WOD!!

Advanced WOD:
3 Rounds
20 Pistols (alternating legs)
20 KB Snatch 70/53 (alt arms)
20 Sit-ups

TECS WOD: See Regular WOD

Bonus Work: 3x200m row AFAP with 1min rest between; 3x1min plank holds

See you Thursday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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