Thursday, 11.21.13

Great turnout for the Tag Team WOD today!! Awesome teamwork!

**Birthday Bash Shirts are in, they will be ready for pick up Thursday afternoon.
Payment is due THURSDAY!
You are still welcome to attend the celebration, 2-?? On Saturday! BBQ (meat provided), please bring a dish and BYOB.

**Food Drive for Central MO Food Bank started today! Bring in your canned goods! We will deliver on Tuesday!

**Please make sure you are checking in and using the WODTogether program; it is included as part of your membership! It is also a good way to track your progress for yourself AND the coaches.

**Surviving the Holidays Nutrition Challenge begins Sunday. If you would like a partner let me know, we have a few people interested!

Happy Friday Eve!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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