Thursday, 12.18.14

The weather may not be the greatest in the morning so PLEASE be careful!!

I’ve heard that there is a lot Of illness among our members…praying that you all get better SOON! As well as your kids!
If you’ve been sick or don’t feel the greatest, please use your best judgement on working out; don’t force it (and don’t spread the germs!)

Christmas party Saturday night! 6:30pm…BYOB and snacks, and a “rob your neighbor/dirty Santa” gift of an alcohol nature 🙂 The exchange is voluntary.
Hope to see you and your family there as kids are welcome!

Check the calendar in the mobility area for the Christmas holiday schedule. I’ll also post this weekend.

EMOM 11: Snatch(full)
0,1,2: 75%
3,4,5: 80%
6,7,8: 85%
9,10: 90-95%

1-10 & 10-1
Weighted sit-ups (35/25)
Air Squats (Rx+1= 53/35)
Scales: Go to 8,7, or 6

Advanced WOD:
For time
25 burpee
25 power clean 135/95
25 burpee
*starting with & EMOM 7 WB 20/14

TEC WOD: 20min AMRAP – 5 pushups, 10 v-ups, 5 goblet squats 35/20 – 200m run

Bonus Work
3x200m row
3×10 med ball knee ups from rig
3×12 v-ups

Be Safe!
Work Hard, Eat Clean , Be Blessed!



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