Great Job at the box Wednesday with that evil ascending thruster/burpee ladder! You all did Amazing and really pushed when you needed it! You GOT TO do it, that’s the most important thing to remember!
*A reminder that the shirt orders need to be placed by FRIDAY!! And good news for you gals, we can get them in V-necks! Not sure on cost, but the more ordered, the cheaper they are! So if you want one (check out the design over on the whiteboard in the mobility area), sign up. Money will be due when they come in!
*If you haven’t seen the post about my September special, here you go…share with those who may be interested! FREE month of CrossFit for any Police officer, Firefighter, Highway Patrol, Sheriff Dept. or Military. If one decides to join in October, I have a special for him/her! Just want to express appreciation for our law enforcement and for those who serve our communities and country!
*Kids Night Out-Friday, Sept. 5th from 6:30-8:30pm. Drop the kids off and go have a peaceful dinner! $10/kid or $25/3 kids. We will keep them busy with games, free play and some Minute to Win It Challenges! Just let me know by Thursday so I know who to expect!
*Rowing for Calories Challenge…people are starting to put up some numbers! What’s your goal for the month?? 3500 calories burned is = to 1#, just sayin’. Warmups and WOD’s are included. Approx every 500m is 25 calories.
POOL PARTY at Reese and Cindy Thompson’s house on Saturday from Noon-5pm. Bring a dish or dessert and BYOB. They are serving up salmon and burgers along with some beer and wine. Families are welcome. There will be a sign up on the green circle by the coat racks for an RSVP. Was a good time last year so sign up if you can make it!
*Sept. 20th-Battling for Bradley 5K at Blair Oaks Stadium 8am; there are about 12 of us signed up…if you can let’s represent CFU with our shirts! 🙂 Thanks for helping out this cause!
Now for your fun for Thursday! 🙂
Strength: Snatch-8min EMOM-High, Hang, Floor starting @ 70%
12 min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (135 / 95)* 10 Toes to Bar*15 Box Jump Overs (24 / 20)
Adv: 21-15-9 Deadlift 275/185 * Box Jump 30/24
TECS: 8x400m rest 1 min
Have a Super Day!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! |