
-a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.

Many times on Tuesdays, gyms like to post about “Transformations”…I did in a way post on other media streams a transformation on one of our trainers, Seth. He was in it to win it! During our 6-wk nutrition challenge, he lost 10#, gained 2.1# of muscle and lost 3.9% body fat! Did I mention that he did this in just 6 weeks?!?

Seth is always up for a challenge and his results prove it! Not only did he transform his appearance, but he also gained valuable knowledge and discipline in following through with this challenge. And to add to all of that, he also had major strength gains! All from following some simple guidelines with nutrition!

Our nutrition adherence should not be limited to just 6 weeks though…we need to at least make good choices 80% of the time when it comes to what we eat and drink. We always tell our athletes, if you only put in 50% effort, you will only get 50% results. It’s pretty common sense, but we realize that many people think that nutrition is complicated! I think this is because there are soooooo many diet plans out there!

Google diet plans right now and you will see thousands! Literally! No wonder our nation is so confused! At CrossFit Unstoppable, we want to simplify things for people so they can transform to the person they truly want to be. We guide you in the process and help you stay accountable.

Once someone has had phenomenal results, he/she tends to be an inspiration for others…guess what that leads to; you guessed it, extra accountability. When we go through a transformation process, we not only have to talk the talk, but also walk the walk. I can’t emphasize enough how much that accountability plays a role in one’s success. At our gym we have “gym buddies” who help keep each other accountable and this helps out in more ways than one!

If you are ready to TRANSFORM your life for the better…let us know! We are here to help make you and our community Better Than Yesterday! Book a Free Consult and talk with one of the coaches about getting started in either fitness or nutrition! You do NOT need to be a member in order to get help on the nutrition side! So what’s stopping you from living your best life?? Give it a shot! Have a great day!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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