Transformation “Wednesday” – Lacy Kittle

Better late than never, right? 😉

Below is Lacy’s story…when I asked for her to write out her transformation she told me that she isn’t the “typical transformation” and that she has always exercised. I believe she has had a transformation…you can see it in the pictures (she told me that I didn’t have to post it, but it truly shows why us gals lift…) Lacy has gone from what is deemed “skinny fat” to a STRONG and FITTER individual! She is a BEAST on the WOD floor and I love watching her determination to do something!

I think back to when she started and her “one-legged” hop is the most vivid in my mind…talk about perseverance and dedication. That just shows you that CrossFit is possible even with a little limitation! Lacy gives it her ALL and we are Blessed to have her as a part of our CFU family! Keep up the great work, Kittle! 🙂lacypic

I started my CrossFit journey in August 2012 when I moved back to Jefferson City to marry my amazing husband Pat (too long of a story to share here)! I went to a really awesome Les Mills gym in VA and there was no way I was going to survive at the Y here in town. My sister had just started CrossFit in Atlanta and I thought I’m going to give this a try and have been hooked ever since. CFU has helped me feel like I am apart of something great and has helped me feel like I have a family here in a town where I knew no one a few years ago.  

For me, I find that after 2.5 years of CrossFit I will always remember those seemingly HUGE achievements more than I remember those few days where I just had a bad attitude for some silly reason and/or felt like turtle speed was about all I had to offer that day.  I want to take you guys through memory lane of those milestone achievements!

For starters, I somehow managed to fracture my right heel in my first month-which I blame efficient box jumps for and probably the fact that I have extremely tight hamstrings and mobility is something I will always struggle with! So I learned very quickly with the help of the trainers that you can pretty much ALWAYS do CrossFit despite whatever injury/ailment you are nursing. The one legged hop was my favorite-made many nervous but one legged rowing got old fast! Mind you my doctor thought I STOPPED CrossFit all together…I just nodded when he asked 😉

I still remember my first CrossFit total-paired with Huck-I realized that my baseline for deadlift was 180lbs-that just blew my mind. I couldn’t believe I could already lift more than my body weight-this is when I started drinking the Kool-Aid as they say!

I also remember the first time I got my DU’s. I believe it was Annie and I recall Coach had finished in what felt like a few minutes and I was still beating myself in my toes each and every turn of the rope-repeating to myself “I can’t do this” and FINALLY in my last 10 DU’s I told myself “just jump higher” and holy crap it worked!!!  From this I became a single, double, single jumper for about a year and thankfully when I heard about the JumpNrope clinic  I was there and quickly told myself just double double, double double and BAM I got it. I may not be the most efficient but man am I WAY better than I was 2 years ago!

Next big milestone I remember is the kipping pull-up!  We were doing  suck bucket work  and I was working on my kip. Coach was once again nearby demonstrating the kip too I believe when I suddenly realized I was so darn close to the bar if only I just engaged my arms and pulled I’d soon have my chin over that bar!!  WOOP WOOP!  This was probably 1.5 years ago as I distinctly recall putting one of my goals in silver paint on the black wall by the rowers as 5 kipping pull-ups. Last week Dark and Early crew, skill work, I figured I hadn’t done any pull-ups in a while so I jumped up and was thinking push away from the bar-I think Dave Rice taught me this or maybe Chris Wilson-and got my 2nd, 3rd, holy crap 4, and 5 by inches! I was so stoked I literally could not contain my excitement-high five to Seth who was coaching this morning! This was actually a goal I wrote down and it may have taken me 1.5 years to reach but I did it!!! These moments you will never forget! Now all I keep thinking is boy a bar muscle up or regular muscle up sounds like a blast! I always loved to climb trees and loved the bars when I was small enough to do gymnastics. I love the thrill of flying through the air-this is my next lofty goal!

I realize this is probably not your standard Transformation story but it’s my story. To many I probably look the same on the outside but inside CFU I know I am Stronger and I am reaching my own goals in my own time! Everyone has their own journey and I am just happy to be apart of all of them!


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