Know what makes this gal happy?? 74 names on the board and 74 athletes putting in the time to make themselves BETTER THAN YESTERDAY!! Big Thanks to Andi and Fred during the 4:30 class and thanks to the class for their patience! Every one the athletes today accomplished what a lot of people chose not to do…workout! Keep on Keepin’ On folks…Great things are happening! 🙂
*Clean & Jerk Strength Cycle starts Tuesday!
*CFXpress WOD at 6:15am
*Couch2Fit at 6:15am and 5:30pm
*Running Clinic at 5:30pm
*Regular WOD’s at 5:15am, 8:30am, Noon, 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30pm
*Nutrition Challenge heads into Day 2 with 38 Challengers!! Super proud all of you who are taking this journey for the next 39 days!
CFU’s 3rd Birthday Bash is set for Saturday, February 21st from 4-?? We will have WOD’s, food, volleyball, and FUN!! Make plans to attend and watch posts for sign up and t-shirts! EVERYONE welcome!
Strength: Clean: 5×3 w/3s pause at knee @ 70-80%
3 Rounds 50 Double-unders (90sec singles)
12 Pull-ups
9 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)
(Nutrition Challenge Baseline WOD 500m Row, 40 Squats, 30 Situps, 20 Push-ups, 10 Burpees) MUST be completed on TUESDAY (can do during strength-most have done this, but those who haven’t…get it done!)
Bonus Work: 3×20 weighted situps, 3×4 pullup negatives(3-5 sec count), 3×15 Russian twists
Advanced WOD:
10 thruster 115/80
5 MU
8 thrusters
4 MU
6 thruster
3 MU
4 thruster
2 MU
2 thruster
2 MU
TEC WOD: 800m, 600m, 400m, 200m, 200m, 400m, 600m, 800m (rest 1min between efforts)
Happy Tuesday!