“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”~Confucius
Great job to all of the athletes who came in and tackled the front squat and the “weighted ladder” 🙂
March Abs <—- Here is the link for the March Challenge! Have fun! 🙂 But remember, Abs are made in the KITCHEN!
There is a LOT going on in March! Check out the calendar located in the mobility area…One thing is that every Tuesday will be “Bring a Friend” day; I’m sure you talk to CF to your friends, why not give them a little a taste of it for FREE! We will have “StrongMan/StrongGirl” classes this weekend…Strongman activities for anyone will be Saturday @ 7:30am while StrongGirl is just for the ladies on Sunday afternoon from 1:30-2:30! Time to try out something NEW! Anyone welcome!
Olympic Lifting Clinic scheduled on Sunday, March 22nd 1:30-2:30 **There will be NO Barbell Classes scheduled until further notice.
Mobility Clinic scheduled on Sunday, March 29th from 1:30-2:30
**Check out the App-“SugarWOD“…It’s free and we already have about 24 members signed up for it! It’s similar to WODTogether where you can input your times/benchmarks/PR’s and comment on other people’s achievements. Sunday’s WOD along with 15.1/15.1a have been uploaded and I will be uploading the rest of the week’s WOD’s to see how it works…We will use this instead of the members page on Facebook to report our scores; I strongly encourage you to use this as it’s a way to gauge your progress AND it gives you %’s of all of your lifts as long as you have your benchmark uploaded. Download and check out how it works…OH! It also uploads videos of the movements in the WOD! Very cool stuff so Please check it out and start kicking more @$$ on your workouts! 🙂
Power Clean 7min EMOM @ approx 75%
Min 1 – 7 reps
Min 2 – 6 reps
Min 7 – 1 rep
For time:
50 Double-unders(3x singles)
8 Thrusters (95/65)
40 Double-unders
8 Thrusters
30 Double-unders
8 Thrusters
20 Double-unders
8 Thrusters
10 Double-unders
8 Thrusters
Rx+ 135 / 95
15 Rounds – 100m SPRINTS on ROWER; rest 30 seconds between efforts; reset rower each time and use a timing device for rest and total time which is your score (don’t just row 1500m and be done; focus on sprinting the whole 100m with adequate rest time)
Advanced WOD
Row 500m
10 OHS 155/115
Bonus Work
3x1min wall sits, 3×15 Supermans, 3×20 Oblique Crunches
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!