Tuesday, 04.01.2014

Just to let you know, there will be no April Fool’s Day WOD…seriously, would Belinda do something like that?!? 😉

Amazing job from everyone Monday regardless of what scale you chose for the Hero WOD! Very proud all of you!

How are the pullups coming along? Remember 2x a week of extra effort will take you a long way…in a month we’ll see if it pays off!

A little about the change in the programming starting on Monday, April 7th. On Mondays and Wednesdays we will be offering an “Advanced WOD” to those who are interested. This is basically for those who want to spend more time on strength building and more challenging movements. The athlete who chooses this WOD should be able to perform all of the movements at Rx so there are pre-requisites to “taking this WOD”. Chris Wilson will be programming for this Advanced Level. There will STILL be the regular CFU WOD where you WILL continue to be challenged so don’t worry about that. If you have any questions about this change, please let me know!
I believe this little change in the programming will help our athletes get even better!
As always, our CFU Barbell class is available to ANYONE who want help in their technique on the lifts. Mondays and Thursdays from 7:30-8:30pm. We are working on some plans to move that back an hour, but it will be a bit.

Reminder about our CF101 class, it starts Tuesday evening at 6:30. We will also meet Thursday and the following T/Th. If you want someone to experience the success that you have, send them my way…Each One, Reach One! 🙂

THANKS for all the support on the Shoes for Spring to benefit Hope for Caribbean Kids, Inc! As of this morning we had 200+ pairs of shoes! Wow!!

Keep doing great things, CFU Family! You’re the BEST!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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